Chapter 2

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First day of new school term

3rd person's pov

Yoongi woke up at 5pm sharp as always. He yawned as he got up and went to his spacious closet and took out his well ironed uniform and then went to the bathroom to freshen up. He got out of the bathroom in his shower robe, hair damped from his shower. He went to a one of his drawers and took a pair of white laced panties and a black brassier, as he started getting dressed he had a thought ' today is Monday i have dance class, right ' he to himself debating on whether he had a dance class or music. "You know what nevermind" he said as his head started hurting. He went downstairs to the dinning area were he was greeted by his mother.

" Oh mon bébé grandit " his mother said in a whiny voice

" Oh mon bébé grandit " his mother said in a whiny voice

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Name: Min Riley
Age: 43

" Bonjour maman comment était ton sommeil " Yoongi said with a smile.

" C'était bon " his mother said with a small smile.

" Glad to hear " Yoongi said

" Good morning " said a deep voice.

Both omegas turned around in surprise, Yoongi smile wide seeing his father (mother)

Both omegas turned around in surprise, Yoongi smile wide seeing his father (mother)

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Name: Min Anita
Age: 48
Status: Alpha

" Daddy" said Yoongi while running to his father's arms

" Hey pup guess who's carrying you to school' she said pushing his hair back and kissing his forehead

" Wait, really" Yoongi said in happiness

" Uhuh " she said shifting her gaze towards her omega who's eyes were looking down

" Good morning darling" she said walking over to Riley and kissing him on his lips.

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