The Bloody Fight

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Sandy walks in with two cups of what I'm guessing is hot chocolate,since she doesn't like coffee, and she gently sits next to Carol and hands him one of the cups and smiles.

"Thanks!" He smiles wide as he looks at her softly and she blushes and looks down at her drink.

"To surviving." She lifts her cup and he gently taps it with his, then takes a drink. Bob takes my hand into his and gently rubs it with his thumb and I smile.

"I thought you weren't coming...." I say looking away from him. He puts his hand under my chin and gently moves it to face him.

"You're not only my hero, Lottie , you're the love of my life." He says softly and kisses me gently then looks at me and smiles, "You look so cute all blushy." He says and I laugh.

"Why thank you, Prince Charming." I smile.

"What the hell is going on?!" Jake walks in, looking at Sandy and Carol.

"Jake!!" Sandy says startled.

"Jake, you two are broken up. Just leave them be." Bob gets up and put his hand on Jake's chest.

"Get off me, nerd!!" He shoves Bob to the ground, but winces from the movement.

"Jake, calm down! Don't do something stupid." I say as I watch Bob fall. Jake looks at me then grabs Sandy and pulls her close,

"Listen here you little..."

"Get the hell away from her!" Carol tackles him to the ground giving Sandy time to back away and I grab her.

Jake punches Carol hard in the throat causing him to gasp and hold his throat.

"Knock it off!!" I get up as pain shoots through my body and Bob grabs me,

"Stay out of this." He whispers.  Carol picks up Jake then throws him down to the ground hard.

"Stop!!" Sandy screams as she watches them beat each other senselessly.

"Let go of me!" I get out of Bob's grip and run to Jake, pulling him off of Carol. Bob quickly pulls the very bloody Carol up.

Jake turns around and grips my throat, cutting off my air.

"Lottie!!!!" Sandy screams as I choke under his grip. "Let go of her!" Sandy grabs something off the table and runs over , swinging whatever she has at Jake and it smashes against his head and he falls unconscious to the ground. I hold my throat as I gasp for air and cough several times. Sandy holds a broken flower vase in her hand as she breaths heavily and cries. Carol look at her and quickly runs over, taking the vase from her and setting it down before pulling her into a tight hug. She stands there completely in shock as she slowly puts her arms around Carol. Bob looks over at me and his eyes grow wide,

"Are you okay?!" He looks at my, now bruised, throat. "Holy....." He gently touches it causing me to wince and step back. "Sorry! Sorry! That was dumb." He looks at my throat and cringes.

"Trust me, this is the least of my worries right now." I laugh then wince.

"Carol?! CAROL!!!" Sandy screams as Carol collapses in her arms.

"Oh my God!" Bob runs over and I follow behind him. Carol's shirt soaks with blood so Bob bends down next to him and lifts his shirt to reveal a deep wound in his chest.

"His uniform was covered in blood." Sandy says then puts her hands on the wound to slow the bleeding, "He must have gotten shot and Jake re-hurt it! We need to get him fired from Top Gun, he doesn't deserve to fly!" She yells. Bob runs out to get a nurse as I stay by Sandy. "I never wanted this to happen..." She says, looking at me as she keeps pressure on the wound.

"Jake's a had nothing to do with it." I put my hand on her back. Soon a nurse runs in, followed by Bob.

"Oh my God! What happened in here?!" She yells, as she and Sandy lift Carol carefully back into the bed as another nurse gets Jake out of the room. "Is anyone else hurt?" She asks, looking at us as she slowly takes Carol's shirt off.

"We're fine." I say and she nods as she quickly works on him and soon stops the bleeding and stitches him up. Sandy looks at the woman,

"Jake deserves to be locked up." She says, her face slightly red with rage.

"Let's let him heal up before we jump to conclusions. It could have been the medicine." The nurse explains.

"He attacked him! He could have killed him!" Sandy yells.

"Yes miss, I'm aware." The nurse says, sounding annoyed.

"Hey Sandy, I'm going to go get some ice for my throat, you should come with me." I tell her , to get her out of the room, and she nods and follows me out of the room and down the hall to the ice machine. I grab a washcloth and put some ice in it and gently set it on my throat, making me wince. I turn around to see Sandy standing there, sobbing, "Hey,'s okay. He's going to be okay." I say and she wraps me in a tight hug as she cries hard on me.

Top Gun Maverick Fanfiction Bob Floyd X-OCReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin