The Funeral

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I wake up to my blaring alarm, forcing me to live the day that I've dreaded ever since my father was first diagnosed. I look over at my door to see my uniform hanging up, cleaned and ironed. I put on the white and blue uniform before putting my hair back and putting the hat on.

"We need to go, Lottie!" My mom calls to me.

"I'm coming." I say rushing out of my room and quickly tie my shoe as I exit my room. I look at my mom, whose eyes are red and puffy which causes my heart to drop, she always tries to put on a brave face for me, but not is different. We get in the car and tears immediately fill my eyes so I quickly look out the window so my mom won't see.

"You should have come to see him while he was still alive." My mom says and I look over at her with furrowed eyebrows as I wipe away a tear that escaped my eyes.

"I'm in the Navy, not like it's my choice when I can and can't come home ." I sniffle.

"But when you did, you refused to go in his room." She says starting to speed.

"Mom, slow down...." I say, trying to remain calm but my heart starts to race, "Mom! MOM!!!" I yell as a car just barely misses us and they lay on their horn. "Holy crap!" I say as my heart pounds fast in my chest.

"I'm so sorry!!! Are you alright?! Lottie, are you okay?!" My mom panics.

"I'm fine! I'm fine! Are you okay....?" I ask her, looking over at her but she has her eyes on the road and refuses to look at me. "You want to know why I didn't visit him...?"  I ask with a shaky voice.

"Yes." She says quietly.

"I didn't want the last memory of my father to be him dying in bed.....nobody would tell me if he was getting better or not and I couldn't handle seeing him like that okay?!" I say as my heart shatters and I start sobbing. My mom suddenly goes completely quiet so I look over at her and see tears streaming down her face.

We soon arrive and I see Maverick standing out in the field next to a casket. My mom and I walk over to him,

"Im so sorry...." I say tearing up.

"Come here, Lottie." He pulls me into a hug and I suddenly break down in his arms.

"I can't believe he's gone.....I didn't even get to say goodbye......he probably doesn't even think I loved him......I'm a horrible person!" I say through tears.

"Shhhh......" Maverick gently rubbing my back "He loves you so so much and I promise you he's SO proud of the woman you've become." He says comforting me and I sniffle before letting go of him.

"He loved being your wingman, Mav...." I say with a soft smile and tears fill his eyes.

"And I loved being his...." He says as the other aviators soon arrive. I look over to see Sandy and Jake are holding hands and Bob gently takes off his glasses and wipes his eyes before putting his glasses back on.

After a few minutes the funeral starts and the pastor preaches his message and we all salute the casket as our final goodbye. I look up at the field of stone, full of men and women who lost their lives too early in order to keep this country free. Suddenly four jets go flying above all our heads, leaving streaks of smoke in the air. Maverick gently takes my hand as he places a pin,that was on his jacket, on my father's casket,

"Together." He says as he gently hits our hands down on the pin and it sticks in the casket.

"And that concludes our service..." The pastor says so I walk back over to my mom, who is a sobbing mess.

"Lottie!" Sandy runs over and pulls me into a tight hug and I holds her close, "I'm so sorry and even though I never knew your dad I know he would be so proud of you." She says pulling away from the hug.

"Thank you, Sandy." I smile then look over to see Yale with a black eye and swollen cheek. "Did Bob do that..?" I whisper to Sandy and she nods.

"Ive never seen him fight like that before. He was furious." She says smiling, "How's your nose?"

"Fine, not broken thank goodness. Hey, I'm going to go thank Bob. I'll be right back." I say gently putting my hand on her arm before walking past her and over to Bob, whose lip is busted open and he has a bruise on his jaw. "Hey...." I say rather quietly.

"Lottie, I'm really sorry." He says reaching to take my hand, but awkwardly pulls it back before he grabs it.

"That means a lot, thank you." I say with a soft smile, "And thank you for standing up against Yale. That was really brave of you to do." I say and my eyes venture to the bruise and it feels like a punch in the gut when I think that he got hurt for me.

"It was worth it." He smiles and adjusts his glasses.

"Well thank you." I get up on my tippy toes and gently kiss his cheek, causing mine and his face to turn bright red.

"First her pilot, now her father, geez she must be so annoying that people will do anything to get away from her." Yale whispers to Hangman who just looks over at him and shakes his head. I look at him and go to say something but hold back the anger that's burning inside of me. "What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?" Yale says, laughing and Fritz laughs with him.

"Just leave me alone, Yale. I don't want to fight you." I say holding back tears.

"Awww your little boyfriend isn't here to back you up this time?" He mocks me.

"Bob isn't......that's not even the point!! It's my dad's FUNERAL!!" I scream at him.

"Not like your father cared about you anyways." He mumbles and even Fritz's face drops in shock of what he said.

"Screw you." Is all I can say before running off, crying. I run as far as my legs will take me, I hear several people yell my name, but I think they know it's best to leave me alone. I eventually stop running and fall to my knees clutching my heart as I sob, my heart physically hurt knowing I'll never see my father again, knowing I'll never be told 'I love you' by him, never be held by him when a guy breaks my heart, never get a gentle kiss on the head before bed, never be told how proud of me he's all gone in a blink of an eye. All the small things I took for granted and now I can't even go tell him any of's over....I lost my chance to be a good daughter to him.

I grab his dog tags,that I had put in my pocket, and hold them close to my chest,

"I hope you were proud of me......I was so proud of you for being a hero and I never showed it.....I never told you and now I can't....I couldn't see you dying I just couldn't!!! How could you leave me when I needed you?!!!!!" I scream out the last part.

"He didn't." A voice says from behind me, causing me to jump and whip around.

"Bob! You scared me." I quickly wipe my tears but it's no use as others soon replace the ones I wiped away.

"He didn't leave you, he's still with you no matter what. His expertise is in you, his passion is in you, his leadership is in you and it shows everytime you step foot in that hanger." Bob says and I look at him in awe, not knowing what to say.

"Oh, Bob....." I whisper and rush into his arms and hold onto him and he hugs back tightly, making me feel safe, like nobody can hurt me while I'm in his it's meant to be.

A/N: this chapter is super boring and I apologize I had no motivation this week. So if it sucks I'm sorry I promise next chapter will have more exciting stuff in it! <3 thank you for pushing through this chapter and thank you even more for the 2K reads that is unbelievable to me!!! Enjoy your day :) Happy Fourth of July!!🇺🇸❤️

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