Turning Sides

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"Well, well. The gang's all here." Wuya says as the group is brought before her.

"I'm guessing the box didn't work." Clay says.

"Jack Spicer couldn't open it." Omi says.

"Not like you did any better chrome dome." Jack says.

"You got a puzzle box from Dashi? How like him. He always was a fool. Now to unfinished business. Crush them!" Wuya shouts as the golems begin crushing the group.

"Wuya wait! you can't crush them like that!" Raimundo shouts.

"You're right. No need to make a mess of my throne room. Take them to the dungeon and then crush them." Wuya says.

"Rai don't her win!" Alexis shouts as the group is being carried away.

"Stop her!" Kimiko shouts.

"Master Fung chose you for a reason! You don't belong on the Heylin side!" Omi shouts.

"Raimundo has proven his loyalty time and again. And that's because I can give him anything he wants. Anything." Wuya says.

"I want my girlfriend and my friends!" Raimundo shouts before he opens the puzzle box causing Wuya to be turned back into a ghost and trapped in the box as the golems crumble freeing the group.

"Get a move on gang!" Clay shouts as everyone runs as the palace begins to crumble and quickly escape on Dojo while seeing the wasteland Wuya's castle was on has now turned into a green lush area.


"Raimundo for riches and glory you betrayed us all." Fung says as the group is back at the temple.

"But he saved us all too." Omi says.

"Without him we wouldn't of even beat Wuya." Alexis says.

"Yeah. Without him we would have been Texas toast." Clay says.

"Or worse." Kimiko says.

"Guys, guys. I did a lot of damage. So I gotta do whatever it takes to make it right again." Raimundo says.

"Whatever it takes?" Fung asks a she looks at Raimundo.

"Yes Master Fung. What's this?" Raimundo asks before Fung walks over to him and holds something.

"The sash of a Xiaolin apprentice. It's yours." Fung says.

"It's not that I don't want it master Fung. I'm not ready. Not yet. But I will be ready someday. You know if Omi helps me." Raimundo says as Omi gives a thumbs up.

"It's good to have you back Rai." Alexis says happily.

"It's good to be back." Raimundo says as he smiles.


"It's like Wuya never ruled the world." Clay says as the group is outside the next day with Jack.

"Which is just the way I like it for the record." Kimiko says.

"And hopefully it stays this way." Alexis says.

"Yeah swell. I'm out of here." Jack says as he starts to leave.

"Jack Spicer wait. Please! You have fought well. We could not have defeated Wuya without you." Omi says as he stops Jack from leaving.

"All true. You going somewhere with this?" Jack asks.

"Yes. You should stay with us at the Xiaolin Temple. Hone your skills and join the fight for good." Omi says much to everyone's dismay.

"Me? Fighting for good? In a bathrobe? Forget it. Next time we meet we're enemies again. But maybe some time if we're not fighting over Shen Gong Wu we can all go for ice cream. My treat." Jack says as the group watches him leave.

Love Can Show The Way Xiaolin Showdown Riamundo X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now