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"You sent Omi 1500 years in the past with no idea how to get him back!?" Kimiko shouts angrily.

"This never came up in the beta testing. I mean I can only travel back 2 seconds." Jack says.

"That's what beta testing is for! To test and modify for any accidents like this!" Alexis shouts angrily.

"Easy, easy. I can fix this. And give me a week tops. Okay I'll need more than a week." Jack says as golems appear and destroy his time machine.

"Come on. We got work to do." Alexis says as the group begins fighting the golems only to eventually be captured.


"May I present your former friends." Wuya says as the group is brought to her and Raimundo.

"Uh you may wanna do a head count. you're short one omi." Raimundo says.

"Omi? Where's Omi? I have ways of making you talk." Wuya says as she goes over to the group.

"He's trapped in the past." Jack says.

"What!?" Raimundo asks as he walks over.

"Omi is in the past?" Wuya asks.

"Yes and now he's trapped there." Kimiko says.

"And it was me who sent him back Wuya. I was really on your side the whole time. You can let me go now." Jack says.

"Forget it Jack. I'm not buying." Wuya says.

"Really? Omi is trapped in the past?" Raimundo asks in surprise.

"We'll never see him again. Thanks to you." Kimiko says.

"Thanks a lot Raimundo." Alexis says.

"I hope you feel guilty about it." Dojo says.

"Yeah. Nice going you two-faced fink." Clay says.

"I never wanted anything bad to happen to you guys. I just wanted my due." Raimundo says sadly.

"And now you've got it Raimundo. To the dungeon with them." Wuya says as she begins to leave.

"Wuya wait. What if these guys swear loyalty to you? Maybe they can stay with me then?" Raimundo asks.

"If they swear their loyalty." Wuya says before Raimundo runs over to the others.

"Come on guys! You won't believe the stuff she has!" Raimundo says happily.

"Sold! you can let me go now." Jack says.

"The offer's not for you Jack." Wuya says.

"Boy. You really hold a grudge." Jack says.

"Come on guys. She rules the world and she's the winning team. Please guys. What do you say?" Raimundo asks pleadingly.

"Forget it!" Alexis shouts as she and the others reject the offer.

"Fine then. You can spend the rest of eternity in the dungeons if you will not join me." Wuya says before the group is carried off.


"We gotta find a way out of here. We can't just sit here." Kimiko says as the group is in the dungeon trying to find a way out.

"Well it's not like Wuya is gonna make it easy. Hey!" Alexis shouts in alarm as a golem busts open her cage.

"Alexis!" Clay shouts as the Golem picks alexis up.

"Put me down!" Alexis shouts as she golem carries her off.

Love Can Show The Way Xiaolin Showdown Riamundo X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now