Restored Wuya

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"I guess it's up to us take Wuya down." Clay says.

"It won't be easy but we can do it together." Alexis says as she shifts to wolf form.

"There's only one way to do it." Kimiko says.

"Xiaolin style!" Omi shouts as the group begins fighting with Wuya only for her to throw the group into each other.

"Crush them!" Wuya says as she summons a bunch of golems.

"A retreat might be in order here!" Dojo says as he grabs the group and flies off with them.

"Okay that was not as easy as I thought it was gonna be." Alexis says.

"How do we fight a super Heylin witch!?" Kimiko asks.

"We're outclassed, outgunned and out of luck." Clay says.

"We must not despair my friends. There is always a path to victory. Okay. Now you may despair." Omi says as the group sees Wuya make a castle below before fireballs are thrown at the group

"Dojo get us out of here!" Alexis says in alarm.

"I'm working on it!" Dojo shouts before the group is hit with fireballs and gets sent tumbling to the ground.


"Kimiko, Clay, Alexis we must hasten our retreat. The forces of darkness-" Omi then gets cut off as a bunch of golems appear after the group wakes up on the ground.

"Already here Omi!" Kimiko shouts.

"My friends prepare for a fearsome battle!" Omi shouts before Raimundo appears using the claws.

"Back up." Raimundo says as the golems back up.

"Raimundo what are you doing?" Kimiko asks.

"Have you at last seen the error of your evil ways?" Omi asks as alexis looks at Raimundo.

"Dude my evil ways are going to kick your butt, rule the world and drop me straight into the lap of luxury." Raimundo says confidently.

"You got a point here Raimundo?" Kimiko asks annoyedly.

"As a matter of fact I do. I thought I'd let you mighty Xiaolin apprentices beg for mercy." Raimundo says much to the other's shock.

"Think again Rai." Clay says.

"We would never beg for mercy." Alexis says.

"Maybe you guys don't get it. I'm the only one who can save you." Raimundo says as he laughs.

"Wrong!" A voice shouts revealing to be a jet as it fires beams at the golems before rescuing the group.


"Jack Spicer?" Kimiko asks.

"What are you up to you two-faced varmint?" Clay asks.

"Rescuing you. You four dweebs are my only hope of defeating Wuya." Jack says.

"Sounded like he said Wuya." Dojo says.

"He did." The group says.

"Why would Jack evil boy genius want Wuya evil witch hag defeated?" Clay asks.

"And why rescue us for that matter?" Alexis asks.

"Because Jack has finally rejected the ways the evil." Omi says as he hugs Jack only to be pushed off.

"I'm still evil right down to my greedy black heart." Jack says annoyedly.

"Okay then count me among the confused." Omi says.

"I want to rule the world which I can't do if-" Jack then gets cut off by Kimkiko.

"Wuya's already ruling it." Kimiko says.

"Thank you." Jack says.

"That is some mighty twisted thinking but darn if it don't make sense." Clay says.

Love Can Show The Way Xiaolin Showdown Riamundo X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now