We could never be mad at you

Start from the beginning

"Are you alright?" she asked.

"I'm fine," Evie lied.

"Here you go. I tried to call after you but you didn't hear," Freya said, handing over the bag.

"Thanks. I'm always forgetting things," Evie said, causing them both to laugh. They fell into a bit of a silence and just looked at each other.

"Well I should probably be going. Don't want to miss training."

"Yeah I should probably get back to making drinks."

Evie started to walk towards the door.

"I hope I see you again soon," Freya called after her.

"Yeah me too," Evie replied. She began to walk again and then turned back round.

"We play City on Sunday. Do you want to come and watch?"

"Yeah. Yeah I'd love that," Freya replied with a smile.


Evie climbed into the car with a big smile on her face.

"Went well then?" Leah asked.

"Sort of."

"Sort of?"

Evie explained everything that had happened much to Leah's amusement.

"So you nearly concussed yourself in front of her but she's coming on Sunday so it's alright?"


"Ah young love."

"Shut up, Leah."


It was match day and it was time for Evie's first start. Caitlin was going to be alright but it was a precaution to keep her off for one more match.

"What do you want for lunch?" Leah asked. Evie was lying on the sofa and reading her book.

"I'm not hungry."

"Kiddo you've got to eat."

"Leah I'm not hungry."

"Well I'm making pasta and you're eating it. You'll need the energy for the match."

Evie groaned but didn't argue.

The two of them sat up at the table and Evie forced herself to have some. She knew she needed energy but it was still hard.

"I'm sorry I can't eat anymore," Evie said, putting her fork down after eating half of her portion.

"Are you sure?" Leah asked, concerned with her lack of food. Evie nodded. Leah put it down to nerves and hoped that as the season went on it would improve.

It was almost time for kick off but Evie felt sick. Her first start was big. She couldn't do it. She couldn't do it. She knew that Mrs Cooper and Freya were coming and this only made her feel worse. What if she messed it all up in front of them?

Jonas was about to give his team talk but Evie got up.

"Bathroom," she said before going into the toilets. She locked herself in the cubicle and tried to not throw up.

"I'm fine. It's fine," she said weakly in an attempt to calm herself. It didn't work and even when she heard Jonas shout 'Let's do this!' she stayed where she was.

"Kiddo. Kiddo are you alright?" Beth called into the toilets.

"I don't think I can do it," Evie replied, quietly.

"What do you mean you don't think you can do it?" Beth asked, coming closer to her cubicle.

"I'm too scared. What if I play bad?"

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