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You felt very joyful today after your foreplay with Oliver the day before.

So joyful and blissful you almost forgot that he was a dangerous, sociopathic convict.

All what was really on your mind was that a hottie went down on you the other day. Nothing more.

"You seem like you're in a good mood today, Y/n." William said.

You shrugged your shoulders with a smile and said "Well, I just have a feeling today will be a good day."

He smiled at you. It warmed Williams heart that his favorite patient was having a good day so far.

"Is there anything that made you so happy today?" He asked.

You blushed and said "I just... found someone who really likes me. That's all. It's nice to be cared about."

He nodded his head and stroked the stubble on his jaw. "It is nice to be cared about." He agreed.

You kicked your feet back and forth on the sofa and said shyly "Do you have... anyone you really like?"

He chuckled and said "Well, I like you, Y/n. You're my favorite patient." He leaned in and whispered "Don't tell anyone I said that."

You both exchanged chuckles.

"No, I mean... romantically. Do you have a wife?" You asked.

This was the most talkative you've ever been with him.

He scratched the back of his neck and said "Ah, no. We got divorced actually a few months ago."

William's divorce was rough. He was accused of cheating on her and molesting his daughter by his mentally unstable wife, which made the divorce and court process that much more hectic.

She didn't even face charges for false allegations.

You frowned. He hadn't seen you so expressive before. You always had a blank and cold look on your face, constantly being surrounded by walls you had put up long ago.

It was peculiar.

"I'm sorry about that, William." You said.

Something about the way you said his name made his heart skip two beats. He shamed himself for feeling such emotions for a patient.

You were just his favorite patient, and you finally wanting to have a conversation with you made him feel like he was doing something right.

"Don't worry about it, Y/n. I'm wondering... what made you ask me that question? Have you... found anyone in your unit that has sparked romantic feelings?"

You blushed as you remembered last night.

"Well, I didn't like him very much at first and he was awfully annoying and controlling. But, he's kind of growing on me."

William hummed as he tried to think of someone who you possibly could've gotten so close with. Every time he's seen you, you were with Oliver Maddox.

He tried to think of any other men you might've hung around with in the unit. Jasper came to mind.

He wanted to believe Jasper was your newfound love interest.

Because God forbid you find yourself entangled with a convicted murderer.

"Well, that's great to hear." William said, clearing his throat.

"I'm actually meeting with you to discuss your... discharge date." He smiled.

He was certain that would be a topic you were eager to discuss. After all, who wouldn't want to leave the Sanatorium?

That smile and blush on your face faded.

You didn't want to go home. You had just found happiness after years of misery.

It wasn't time yet.

"O-oh?" You asked, a pit in your stomach.

"You've been here for quite some time now, haven't you? Let's see..." William flipped through his clipboard and said "It's been six months since you arrived to the facility. That's about the average stay here. I've come to the conclusion that you are safe to return home." He smiled widely.

You felt dread. Sheer, awful dread.

"When am I leaving?" You asked as you started fidgeting anxiously.

"You're scheduled to return home next week. Are you excited?" William asked.

"That's... that's very soon." You started breathing heavily.

"Too soon." You whispered to yourself.


You were petrified to share the news with your lover. How would he react? Not positively of course.

You finally were able to catch alone time with Oliver as he gazed at you longingly, completely entranced by your presence.

He was holding your hand in his as you anxiously tried to come up with a way to explain that you'd be leaving soon—leaving him.

"Ollie..." You rested your hand atop of his that was entangled with your other.

"Yes?" He chimed.

Your eyes darted all over the room, trying to come up with the appropriate words.

"So... William and I discussed... my discharge date." You said lowly.

That smile fell off his lips. "You have a discharge date?" He asked.

Not once did any of the staff discuss a potential discharge date all the years he's been here.

"Well, yeah... it's soon, Oliver." You said.

Oliver's eye twitched as he tied to console himself. He was getting deeply upset.

"How soon?"

You stood silent. You suddenly regretted telling him.

His red, glassy eyes narrowed at you before he squeezed your hand, nails digging into your flesh, making you yelp softly as your heart started beating out of your chest.

"How. Soon?" He demanded, squeezing your hand until it was turning white, and his nails digging into your skin, drawing blood.

"N-next week!" You blurted out in a desperate attempt to get him to stop.

He released his tight grip, but still keeping his hand in yours. He sucked in a sharp breathe and closed his eyes, you watched with fear as to what would happen next.

He seemed to be trying to calm himself. You started trembling with anticipation about what his next move would be.

He fluttered those cold, empty red irises open before smiling at you.

You cocked your head to the side. That wasn't the reaction you were expecting.

He caressed the marks he left on your hand with his thumb soothingly before saying

"Well, we better make this week count then."

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