"thank you two for everything you said. What did I do to deserve all of you in my life." Izuku said with a smile and a few tears, pulling the two closer.

Ruby: "what else be you!"

"that sounded corny as heck Ruby," Izuku said, lightly chuckling. Ruby pulled back and started punching his chest lightly.

"don't ruin the moment, Izu!!" Izuku laughed at Ruby's onslaught of punches putting up a weak defense from them as Lily watched the two laughing at the antics between them.

"what's (yawn) going on?" Eri said, sitting up and yawning, rubbing her eyes, her bedhead in full effect.

"Nothing, sweetie. Your big sis Ruby is just bulling your Papa." Izuku said, smirking at Ruby, who gave him a fake hurt look and continued her assault on his shoulder.

"Big sis Ruby (yawn), be nice to Papa," Eri said, getting out of the bed slowly and sleepily, walking over to Izuku and hugging his leg, trying to defend him. Izuku just smiled down at the small girl's attempt to protect him. He picked her up, and she wrapped her arms around his neck, laying her head on his shoulder.

"Thank you for protecting me, snowball," Izuku said, kissing the top of her head and earning a sleepy smile from the girl. Meanwhile, Ruby was pouting while Lily was taking pictures of the two. "And you better send me those pictures, Lily." She gave him a thumbs-up and started pulling ruby out of the room.

Lily: "come on, Ruby, let's head back to our rooms. Our teams showed up looking for us earlier and are probably worried, plus we need to get ready for classes. Bye, ku. We'll see you later during classes."

"By Izu, see you during classes!!!" Ruby yelled as the door closed, waving bye to the father and daughter, who returned the wave with a smile.

"well, snowball, let's get you changed, then we'll get some breakfast," Izuku said, looking at Eri, who was nodding off in his arms.

"Will you be making it?" Eri asked, looking up and giving sleepy puppy dog eyes

"If you want me to," Izuku said, not being able to resist the cuteness

"YAY!!!" Eri said, waking up instantly and raising her arms in joy. All Izuku could do was laugh as he put his daughter on the bed and started getting her outfit ready for the day.

"You are a good father, Izuku." Izuku looked back to where he heard the voice coming from to see Nana sitting beside Eri on the bed, smiling at the small girl sitting excitedly for the food her father would make.

"Yeah, well, I had an excellent example of what not to do," Izuku said, turning back around and finishing getting the outfit ready.

"very accurate and an even better example of what a father should be like," Nana said, floating over beside Izuku and seeing the outfit he was picking out for Eri. "I think the red will go better with the shoes."

Izuku: "yeah, my dad was amazing. He helped me when no one else would. I only wish Eri could have met him. He would have spoiled her rotten, and she would have him wrapped around her little finger. Also, no black and Purple are perfect for this outfit."

Izuku stood up with Eri's outfit in his arms and walked over to the bed, setting them beside her. Then he turned around to get clothes for himself wanting to keep the same color scheme that Eri had with her dress and shoes.

Eri: "Papa, who are you talking to?"

Izuku: "oh, no one important, just a crazy lady who lives in your Papa's head along with a few others."

Eri: "Are they nice?"

Izuku: "so far, yes, although I could do without two of them, but there is nothing I can do about them at this moment, so hopefully, they stay quiet and away from us."

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