Chapter 9

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(Hello, everyone hope you are having a wonderful day)

Starting where we last left off

Izuku walked out the door, leaving Blake alone with her thoughts on what he said. Once the door was shut, he gently leaned against the door bringing a hand to cover his eyes, and let out a sigh that one would swear held the world's weight. He rubbed his hand down his face standing straight, and walked to team JNPR's room to see if Eri was there.

He approached the door and knocked but didn't receive an answer. So he knocked again but still no answer. Izuku let out another sigh, and after what happened last time, he opened the door without someone answering. He was very hesitant to go through that again.

Izuku was left with only one option if he was to find Eri, and he was afraid to use it after what happened last time. But regardless, he swallowed and closed his eyes, leaning against the wall and focusing on the soldier that he kept in Eri's shadow at all times.

His dark vision was immediately engulfed by bright light, and what he saw made his face red, and he regretted his decision immediately. In front of his eyes were a naked Ruby and Yang. They were washing Eri, who was humming happily, getting her hair washed.

Izuku was captivated by the sight of the two. Their skin was smooth, and one could see the cords of muscle they had developed over years of training. Izuku was breathless at the two's beauty. He suddenly returned to his senses and dropped the connection with the shadow. He was embarrassed and ashamed of what he had done, even by accident.

Izuku stood up from the wall and walked toward his room to get what he needed and take a bath. After he was done, he walked back toward team RWBY's dorm and knocked. He heard scrambling behind the door, and it was quickly thrown open, and he was met by a speeding white rocket.

"PAPA!" Eri said, rushing into Izuku's legs. She looked up at him and gave a bright smile which Izuku returned.

"Snowball!" Izuku said, picking her up and kissing her cheek, earning a giggle. "How did you know it was me out here?"

Eri: "Big sis Blake said you were here earlier, so I figured you would be back."

"I see that is my brilliant daughter for you," Izuku said and looked over to Blake. "Thank you for that, Blake."

She nodded her head, not looking over at Izuku. He noticed that she had on her bow and gave a sad smile looking at her but accepting her decision looked back towards his daughter in his arms.

Izuku: "so, how was your day with Ms. Olivia?"

"It was so fun! I learned so much from her. She even let me go to Ms. Betty and stay with her to learn more about history!" Eri said, stars in her eyes and pumping her arms in excitement. Izuku was chuckling and happy that Eri seemed to enjoy herself in this new world they called home.

Izuku: "I see. Then I should see Ms. Betty when I see her again."

"are you going to stand out there, Izu, or are you coming in!" Yang yelled from inside the room, causing Izuku to chuckle.

"yes, Yang, I will," Izuku said, stepping into the room and shutting the door behind him. Once he was in, he looked around at the four and gave each a small wave and smile, which three returned with a slight blush on their face. The only one who didn't was Blake, as she was still looking away and reading her book.

"So, were they able to find that-" Yang started to say, then looked at Eri and changed what she was going to say. "Evil person."

Izuku seeing them all looking at him now, sighed, took a seat on the floor, and leaned against Yang's bed, setting Eri between his leg and covering her ears.

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