Chapter 10

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(Three hours after the last part)

Izuku awakens on the other bed in the room after Yang had woken him earlier. He that he walked back into the room and decided to go to the additional bed, seeing no way to return to his old spot. Izuku tried to get up but felt a weight on his chest holding him down. He looked down and was met by the sight of jet-black hair with a pink strip running through it.

Izuku was confused because he had left Lily over with Ruby and Eri when he got up to answer the door. He looked to where Ruby was to find her still cuddling Eri, both fast asleep. He felt movement, looked down, and was met with pink eyes staring at him.

"Good morning Lily. How did you sleep? Also, how did you end up over here?" Izuku said, giving her a warm smile and causing her to blush lightly.

"Good morning to you as well, Zuku," Lily returned the smile. "I slept well, more so than usual. As for how I ended up here, I woke up and saw you were gone. So I got up and noticed you were over here, so I joined you. The question is, how did you end up over here?"

Izuku: "well, Nora and Yang were banging on my door, worried because you and Ruby were nowhere to be seen don't know how you three didn't wake up from it."

Lily: "that makes sense. Nora might be scatterbrained, but she is a good friend."

"I can tell, and as much as I enjoy this, would you mind getting up?" Izuku asked, causing Lily's slight blush to develop into a much deeper one as she quickly got up.

Lily: "sorry! I should have noticed!"

"It's okayokay, Lily. I don't mind at all. It was pretty comfortable actually." Izuku said, standing up and stretching, giving Lily a glance at his scarred torso underneath his shirt. While she did enjoy the view, the story behind them slightly diminished her blush.

Lily walked over and gently touched the scars running her fingers over them. Izuku Jumped at the sudden touch and looked down, seeing lily with her hand under his shirt and her hands rubbing his stomach tracing the scars there, a sad look on her face.

Izuku: "the story behind those might be sad, but I like to look at them in a different light."

Lily: "What would that be?"

Izuku: "I survived; no matter what, they broke me, pushed me to do something stupid, but sometimes you only need someone to reach out a hand to help you. Ultimately, they are a work of art all on their own."

Lily: "do you ever wish you could forget it all?"

Izuku: "sometimes, yes, it's hard to forget something when it's carved into your skin, but at the same time, I wonder what type of person I would be if I did forget it all."

Lily: "I think you would be the same person you are now. A kind and caring father to a lovely little girl and someone who will stand up for others without a second thought, even if everyone hates you for it. For the record, I don't think you're a demon, just someone afraid of losing what he holds close and will do anything to ensure they are safe."

Izuku looked at Lily with a soft, warm smile which she returned, looking up into his emerald green eyes. The moment was ruined by someone talking, causing the two to jump back from each other in surprise and blush.

"how long are you gonna stand there with your hand up his shirt Lily?" The two looked over to see Ruby sitting up and looking at them with a pout across her face. Ruby stood up from the bed, walked over to Izuku, and hugged him tight, burying her face in his chest. "And I agree you are not a demon, Izu, and anyone who says otherwise will have to answer to me, including you."

Izuku chuckled at Ruby's statement and hugged her back but noticed Lily pouting, so he opened an arm, inviting her into the hug, which she eagerly accepted.

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