- You're right, Annie. The second reason is mine. It still hurts every time I think about it. I, too, had to confess against my will, and at a time when I wasn't quite ready for it, when I wasn't sure what was happening to me and why. It was damn hard. If it wasn't for Khao... If it wasn't for him, I might never have met you... He was a great support to me when I was rejected by my own family. In our BL series, we try to show perfect love, give viewers happy endings, but...

First tried to say something else, but was suddenly exhausted. Khao put his arm around him, pulled him closer, forcing him to lean against his chest, then finished his statement as if reading his mind.

- But life isn't so beautiful anymore. Outing someone when they're not ready is something very negative and difficult. Not all parents love their children with absolute and complete love. Sometimes families feel disappointed in us when they don't find what they want in us. In real life, it's hard to find a superhero who will show up at the right time and save you. Annie, isn't that why you have scars?

Annie just nodded. For some reason she started crying. She pushed me gently, got up from the mattress and walked over to First. She grabbed his face with both hands, then placed a kiss on his forehead, before doing the same to Khao a moment later.

- You're both very brave, and I'm incredibly proud of you.

It was that night that I was thinking about before I could bring myself to try to get on stage and officially put an end to the rumors and misinformation circulating on the internet once and for all. First lost a lot more than me, and yet he wanted to do it, he wanted to go on stage and tell his fans everything, he didn't want to hide anything. We all know that First has come a long way to get to this point where he has the strength to speak out loud and honestly how he feels. So why can't I? After all, my parents love me and have never hurt me. After all, my fans themselves said that me and Zee would be a beautiful couple. After all, my friends didn't turn their backs on me when I admitted I wasn't into girls. So why can't I go on stage so freely and simply raise our flag in the world?

I looked at my reflection in the mirror.

I can handle. I have to make it. It's not just for me.

And yet, when that time came...


First things first...

* * *

We laughed happily as we watched our friend as our stylist, Som, tried to do her makeup.

- No. Please don't make me wear any makeup, I don't like it.

- Why? - I got interested. For me, makeup was something completely normal, it helped me look better, I felt very comfortable wearing it. It wasn't always like that. I used to perform in front of the whole school, so to look a bit better I used some of my mom's cosmetics, including eye shadow, lipstick and mascara. When my friends saw me, they started making fun of me, took me to the bathroom and forced me to wash it off. Since then, I've had some hesitations about putting on make-up. I had to take a chance once when I auditioned for a role in Cutie Pie, and Melanie insisted on adding a little more color to my lips and eye color. that I refuse to wear even lip gloss, so he took me aside and we talked about it, and he made me realize that there's nothing wrong with wearing makeup, even if you're a man. a little easier, but she gave a completely different reason than I expected.

- Because the wrong cosmetics damage the skin. In addition, the skin needs to breathe. I think I look pretty nice without makeup. Plus, it smudges easily.

- You're funny - Zee stated, smiling at her. We just finished putting lip gloss on each other. I used a bit darker than Zee.

- You too, you both look like porcelain dolls.

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