Chapter 5: the problems begin

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*As soon as they entered the classroom they felt the gazes of some of the classroom on them*

"Everyone, I know it's a little late in the year, but we have a new student joining us today! Please introduce yourself."-The teacher said as he pointed at Jhon and Sans

"Hello! My name is John. I hope to meet you all and I hope we can get along!"-John was quite animated and with a smile as he looked around the room

"Hello my name is Sans I hope I can get along with you" -Sans said without much emotion since he was a bit sleepy

*both looked at their classmates who didn't seem to care too much or simply ignored them*

"Okay, take a seat, the class is starting" -said the teacher while taking the book from him and erasing what was on the blackboard

*Both John and Sans sit at their posts while the teacher teaches the class*

...........(I just started and I'm getting bored of this) - John thought while looking at what the teacher wrote

*The first day of school everything seemed to go like a normal day, that was what he expected*

*Rinnng Rinngg*

///There is no budget for effects///

*The students congratulated when the teacher left and they did what they all do, get up, talk to their friends or acquaintances or simply nothing, that was what happened in the classroom, something that brought Sans a soft smile when he was able to rest in peace *

(next class: math)- thought John smiling as they packed their books

*While John was starting his book a light blue haired girl with green eyes approached him*

"Hello, Jonh!"- Elanie said with a rather lively voice, calling the black-haired man's attention.

"I'm Elanie, welcome to Wellstone!" She said as she looked at John with a cute smile.

"How has your day been?" Elaine asked politely.

John scratched his cheek, slightly nervous. "Not bad, I guess..."

"Wonderful! So, which school did you transfer from?

"Erm, actually, I was homeschooled before this!"

she gasped. "Wow, really? We've never had one of those before..."

Sans was lying on his table completely ignoring the conversation.

John laughed. "Heh... I was feeling a bit lonely, so I decided to try something new!"

"Well, you came to the right place!"

"Oh. It's great to know!"

"So, John..." Elaine's smile sharpened.

"What kind of ability do you have?" Elaine asked, and everyone in the class was waiting for an answer.

Sans noticed how the environment changed and opening his eyes 'so here too huh'

"Well..." John hesitated. "To be completely honest, I don't have one."

Elaine stiffened, growing annoyed. "What did you just say?"

Confused, John repeated to himself, "Erm, I don't have an ability-".

"I can not believe this!" Elaine cut him off, shaking with anger.

"Elaine?" John reached out to touch her shoulder.

Elaine immediately pushed him to the ground, yelling, "Don't touch me!"

"What a joke!" a background character said as John looked up from the ground.

Elaine was staring at him. "Gross. I can't believe he spent all that time talking to someone like you!

A voice was heard behind Elanie "Well, long time no see Elanie"

Elanie, still angry, turned around but when she did, her expression froze as she immediately recognized those eyes, that black hair, and especially that smile.

"And what are you doing here" Elanie said, believing that she could deal with him.

Sans closed one of her eyes "Oh nothing special, I just wanted to try something different for once"

They all felt a chill run up her spine as Sans's open eye glowed a soft light blue.

"But it's good to see that you still remember me, I'd be sad if you forget me so easily"

"Tch, forget it" Elanie shook her head trying to push that eieod away from the past and glared at Gott angrily before leaving

"Just like I remember it" Sans deactivated her ability and looked at John on the ground

He offered his hand to help her up "Are you okay?"

"Oh, yes, yes, thanks." John accepted the help with a slight doubt.

"Okay, I'm leaving, you should too to avoid problems and being late for math" Sans took his backpack and left the room before everyone looked on.

John understood the message of Sans's words and quickly picked up his backpack before leaving the room, he already saw what Elanie was like so he had an idea of what would happen if he stayed there too long

'Because he helped me, is it also a low level? No, Elanie was surely stronger at a medium level but I could see how she was afraid of him, then an elite level?' John would be thinking while he kept walking

John shook his head and just hurried to get to math class, he knew that it wouldn't take long for the news of a cripple at school to spread and surely several people would come after him just to 'put him in his place'


Sans was calmly walking through the corridors enjoying the moment before everyone started to arrive.

"I wonder if there is something good to eat in the cafeteria" Too bad for Sans that they won't serve until the break arrives

"Hmm?" As he passed through a window, he noticed how in a small alley on the outside of the building was the boy he helped surrounded by two other people with their active abilities.

"His name was John right?"

G manifested as a ghost at his side

"It's correct, although I could feel a lot of hate staining his soul"

"So you think I could be like 'Her'"

"Probably, we just have to wait and see"

Sans and G watched the fight or rather humiliation of the boys since John easily dodged the attacks and even caught one of them and used it to escape throwing it at his partner while John ran and happened to a purple haired girl that didn't matter

"That was..."

"Amazing? Stupid? Embarrassing?"

"A little of all yes"

"Well, we better go or we'll be late"

Sans walked away and walked again, heading to the next class since there was nothing else interesting to see except several fights between students.

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