Happiness (9)

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⚠ Warning Angst ⚠

So just this is a little bit angst so be prepared Everyone It's Near End
Let's Get Started!


Its 5 days have passed Macaque started noticing wukong was a little bit upset
When macaque talked to wukong, wukong pretended To be happy and fake smile everyday macaque asked to wukong " Are You okay? " " Oh! I'm Fine As always! " Wukong Walk away and hide in his room

Macaque started to realize that wukong really missed his kingdom, his friends, his student so macaque decided he will bring wukong back just for 1 day or 2 days

Macaque knocked at wukong door, wukong opened the door " Yes?? What is it macaque? " wukong asked

" I know you missed your kingdom so much and the others so I've been decided you can go back as a visit but your still staying here and your only staying there for days " wukong was shocked he hugged macaque so tight and being happy

" Thank You Macaque! When are we going there! " wukong asked " now "
Macaque carried wukong and fell into the portal , macaque let go of wukong

The two of them heard a shout when they looked around they saw mk running towards wukong " MONKIE KING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " mk hugged wukong and wukong hugged back both of them started crying of happiness " I MISSED YOU SO MUCH! wait- ME TOO!! " they both said in the same time

Meanwhile redson and macaque behind them doing palm face and sigh
Mk noticed macaque he was about to attack macaque but wukong stop him

" Hey Bud! buddy! Mk! Just calm down will ya? Macaque is not our enemy here and his my friend! " - wukong

" Yea right HE KIDNAPPED YOU! " - mk

" Yea but I'm the one who agreed to it because it's for everyone safety! And besides he treats me so well! " - wukong

" But still I DON'T TRUST HIM!!! " mk grabbing wukong away from macaque
" Don't be such a overprotective person noodle boy besides if monkie king said his good then let's believe him " redson said to mk " Hmph! " mk let go of wukong and wukong getting some air

" You know if you don't trust me I can just leav- " macaque was interrupted by wukong " Macaque! let's go explore the my kingdom! Besides you already shown me your kingdom then I'll show you mine! It's my turn! " wukong grabbed macaque hand and explore the kingdom

Mk doesn't trust macaque yet so he bring redson and followed the two monkies " Can you calm down noodle boy? They don't look like enemies to each other and they trust each other " redson said to mk " I still don't trust him! What if his using monkie king!? What if it's all a distraction!? What if it's all an act!? What if it's all fake!? Or what if... " mk gasped

" what? " redson asked " What if his controlling monkie king or hypnotize him!? " redson slapped mk " ouch what's that for! " mk asked " if his under control he supposed to be acting weird and different look at him his you know himself and acting his real self? "

mk notice wukong is really wukong and he sigh "fine he mustn't been controlled.......YET!! " redson slapped mk again " Why You keep slapping me!? it hurts you know!! " mk rubbed his face " stop being an over thinker don't ever overthink that are bad things! Or else I'll a weapon to slapped you! "
Redson threatened mk and mk went silent

[ Time Skip! ⏸️ ]


it's Been 2 hours they explored the light kingdom macaque keeps noticing wukong was very happy in whole day they all go to inside of the castle

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