Spring (7)

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After 2 days wukong is very tired and doesn't know what to do later he called for macaque and he appeared from the portal

" Hey peaches do ya need me something? " " I have questions macaque can you answer them? " wukong crossed his arms " Sure what questions? " macaque asked " well questioned 1 Since when you get an antidote to make my gender come back? Question 2 since when will I come back to my kingdom? Question 3 Why I'm stuck here in your kingdom ? "

wukong Asked that questions everyday but macaque still didn't answer it
" Oops sorry preaches I gotta go I'm busy " Macaque was about to open the portal but wukong went furious " Why Don't you just answer my questions!! I just want to go back where the things were!! " wukong shouted at macaque " Well because I was busy And have no time to answer it all bye" Macaque fell into the portal and wukong still mad at him

Wukong is laying down in his bed and trying to think what was macaque doing, he decided he will follow macaque so he get out of his room and trying to find macaque later he bumped into someone and fell " Ouch! Sorry I bumped into you I was trying to find macaque " wukong realize who did he bumped into

It was.....

Mayor, LBD assistant

" so your trying to find emperor macaque? I know where he is" " Wait really!? Where is he!? " wukong asked " his at the meeting I can bring you there but his busy " wukong doesn't care if Macaque is busy or not so Mayor bring wukong to the outside of the meeting and left, wukong look at the keyhole or put his ear on the door to see what's macaque is doing

Inside of the meeting

Macaque sigh " Ugh Peaches can't stop questioning about I don't wanna answer it he keeps asking this questions everyday " " Well if you want him to trust you, then you should answer his questions and trust him " LBD Commented " Besides if your gonna try proposed to him to be his husband he will say no because he doesn't trust you " spider queen added " Ugh Fine I'll answer his questions tomorrow or later at night "

Wukong heard what they were saying and left , wukong go back to his room and laying down on the bed, wukong saw a portal and macaque appeared by the portal " fine I'll answer your questions " wukong started to celebrate with excitement so macaque didn't know that wukong heard what they were saying " YEHEY!!! Now tell meh!! " wukong crossing his arms and being proud " 1 I don't know if there's an antidote but I'll try tell syntax to make one later 2 I'm not sure since when you'll come back 3, I just wanted to spend time you that's all " wukong was about to talk to macaque but he got cut off by macaque  " hey wukong can we y'know uhh go to hot spring if you want? " Wukong Was very surprised he immediately get the swimsuit " I'm Ready! " macaque made a portal and hold wukong hand they fell into the portal

Wukong gasped because nobody is in the hot spring it's just them alone " Uhh macaque is it just me or it looks empty? " wukong asked " Ohh It's my Private Hot spring Nobody comes here only me but now your allowed to come here anytime if you want to " macaque smiled at wukong and wukong blushed " Where's the bathroom so I can change? " wukong asked again " Ohh you can just change here in front of me if you want~ " macaque flirting with wukong and wukong turned really red he then he hit macaque " Ouch! fine I was just kidding the bathroom is over there " macaque pointed at the bathroom and wukong went inside the bathroom while wukong is at the bathroom macaque turned into a shadow and went inside the bathroom without wukong noticing, wukong take off his clothes and wear girl swim suit because you know he turned into a girl by the injection and he went back outside

Wukong realize macaque is not here so he secretly jumped into the hot spring and relax and with macaque he wear the swim suit and get in the hot spring " I see you started without me peaches " "eh sorry not sorry " wukong started to swimming macaque keeps staring at wukong

Time skip ⏸️

After 5 hours

Wukong started getting tired of swimming so he decided to relax on the hot spring " hey peaches ya tired already? " " yea my body is exhausted " wukong feeling so tired he fell asleep macaque opened a portal and carried wukong and fell to the portal and bring wukong to his bed and change wukong to pajamas , macaque also change and macaque covered wukong by the blanket and left the room

So this chapter is done see ya in next chapter! Bye! Have a great day!

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