Antidote (8)

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Next day in the morning

Syntax was at his lab making an antidote , he heard something behind he checked and he saw there's a portal macaque appeared

" Hey Syntax, I want you to make an antidote for peaches " - macaque

" well I was making a antidote now so- " syntax was cut off by macaque

" ohh! Your making one right now? Can you do it 3? " - macaque

Syntax sigh and agreed Macaque was about to left and he realized syntax wearing a large jacket

" uhh syntax? Why you wearing a large Jacket? " macaque asked, syntax froze and was thinking for a lie " O-Ohh! I was Sick today! " macaque looked at syntax, syntax was completely fine " Syntax don't lie to me " macaque glared at syntax " F-Fine! Mayor injected me yesterday... " Syntax playing with his hands doing "👉👈" nervously

" when will the antidotes will be ready? " macaque asked " oh they will be finished by midnight or tomorrow I guess" macaque sigh and left the lab

[ meanwhile with redson ]

" M-Mother..!! I Don't Like Wearing A Dress!! " - redson

" Don't lie I saw you in your room wearing skirts and dresses alone " - PIF

" I-I-  " redson went speechless " Well? " PIF Smirked " F-Fine! I do like wearing it but.... NOT IN PUBLIC OF COURSE!!! " redson shouted and feel embarrassed

The duo feel shocked and surprised " I-Im Not! Wait- Are You Two Ears Dropping!? " redson went furious and the M&M Immediately go outside and closed the door and secretly listening

" Come one redson just try wear dresses in public and besides You were injected so you need to wear dresses " - PIF

" Ugh! Fine! this So embarrassing...! " redson wear the dress and go outside
Redson noticed the M&M are still ears dropping and saw redson

" U-Uhhh- Hi redson! Were not ears dropping hehe- " mk looked at redson and noticed redson wears a beautiful red royalty dress Mk started Blushing while mei is taking pictures of redson " H-Hey! If your going to post that Then I'll burn your phone!! " redson went furious and embarrassed in the same time

" Hhmmm nope! " mei immediately desapear in thin air, mk keeps staring at redson and redson try to make mk come back to his senses

" Uhh noodle boy? " - redson

" O-Ohh! Yes Redson? " - mk

" why your staring at me? " - redson

" uhhhh I Didn't my mind went blank that's all! " - mk

" yea right " - redson

[ meanwhile with sun wukong ]

Wukong was in his room and nothing to do " Ugh! I'm always stay here and nothing to do! Hmph! " wukong was really mad, macaque appeared in front of wukong and kissed wukong " Hi peaches miss me? How was your sleep?"
Macaque asked " I-I'm Fine From My Sleep.... " wukong blushed " Your so cute you know that~" macaque flitting with wukong "S-Shut U-Up.....!! " wukong turned really red

[ meanwhile with syntax ]

Syntax was still making an antidote and feels so tired, mayor walked in and saw syntax being exhausted in his lab

" Hey Syntax you look exhausted? " - mayor

" ohh was I? ofc not, I'm making an antidote now shoo go away" - syntax

" syntax you need to relax " - mayor


Mayor grabbed syntax hands and carried syntax to his room " H-Hey! I'm Busy! you Know! " syntax went furious " Darling just calm down and you need to rest " mayor made syntax asleep and syntax finally fell asleep
While mayor will do the antidote

After 1 hour mayor finally do the antidote , mayor put the antidote on the injection he go back to syntax and injected him, syntax was slowly turned back to his original gender again

Syntax started to wake up and noticed his gender finally come back and noticed mayor holding an injection " Y-You made the antidote? " syntax asked
" Yeah just for you " Syntax hugged mayor " Sorry for yelling you early.."
Syntax left immediately

Syntax made 2 extra of the antidote and try to find macaque and called macaque

" emperor macaque where are you " syntax keeps trying to find macaque
And finally  macaque appeared from the portal " Here's the antidote "
Syntax gave the antidote to macaque, macaque said " Thank you " then fell into the portal

Macaque showed up at wukong " Hey peaches I got the antidote " Wukong literally snatched the antidote then injected himself and fell into the ground

Macaque doing the palm face and carried wukong to his bed, wukong slowly turned back to his gender back Macaque fell into the portal

[ meanwhile with mk and redson ]

Macaque showed up in front on redson and immediately injected him
Redson fell to the ground " WHAT DID YOU DO TO RED!? " mk immediately get his staff " Woah Woah! Easy kid! His gender will come back any minutes now so your welcome " macaque fell into the portal again

Redson slowly turned back to his gender back and wakes up he noticed his gender is back

" HEY MY GENDER IS BACK!!! " redson looks so happy while mk feel upset
" NOOOOOOO REDSON GIRL VERSION IS GONE!!! " redson slapped mk and mk fell

I ran of ideas and don't know what to write

Thanks for reading my books! Have a good day! Good bye!

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