Chapter 19

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I am skipping a little bit. They are in Arizona now. And are two months into the tour.

I sat with Brendan in my bunk. Actually. I should say I sat on Brendan in my bunk.

We've been together for....................................12 days. Yeah so..

Jack came up and just yanked the curtain back.

"DUDE!!"I yelled.

"Its not like you were naked...."Jack said.

Actually, at the moment Brendan was messing with the hem of my shirt.

Jack walked to his bunk and slid on his shoes.

"Me and the guys are going to the venue."

He walked out. That meant we were alone.

Brendan pushed me over and got on top. I started pushing against him and he got closer.

"No Brendan. I'm not ready....."

"Why not? I've given you time Lena."

"I'm saving myself."

"Are you saying you don't love me?"

"NO!!Baby I do. I love you."

"Then why are you doing this?"

"Why now?"

He laughed. "I don't have time for this Lena."

He got up and walked out. I followed.

"What are you saying?"

"We are done."

"Brendan! Please don't! Just cause I don't want that doesn't I don't love you!"

"Yeah whatever Lena. There's probably other guys."

"Really!? You think I would cheat?!"

He walked out without another word.

I broke down right there, in the middle of the bus.

I started to get up but I couldn't. Its like I was paralyzed. I just layed there in the middle of the bus, shaking and crying. It got to where I couldn't handle it and I started screaming. I knew then that I was having an anxiety attack. Not my usual five minute ones either. This is one that you don't see a lot. The kind that you see people put in the hospital for. And I was all alone.

I heard the bus door open and saw blonde hair running at me.

"LENA!!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOD!!! JACK!! ALEX!!! SOMEONE!!! CALL AN AMBULANCE!!!!" was the last thing I heard.

When I came back around, I heard things. I don't know what. But something. I think it was someone talking but I wasn't for sure.

For some reason I had a song stuck in my head. Tidal Waves. Hmmmmmmm. Something very suspicious was going on.

All I remember was Jack leaving and me and Brendan..........

Then it hit me. It hit me like a brick.

Him leaving.

The crying.

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