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I looked at him in fear. He started straight into my soul. I felt helpless. Gosh I hated him. I should have pressed the botton, but something in me told me not to.

I suddently felt a cold feeling on my chest. I looked down. He was bleeding all over my dress.
«you should get someone to help you with that» I looked back up. He smirked and took a step back.
«You're funny»
«And you're not» His smile disapeared. He turned around and walked back inside. I turned my back on the building, and continued to look up at the night sky. It was so beautiful. So peaceful.

«Get down!» I quicky turned around and saw Carter running towards me. Whats happening?
Suddently I heard a loud bang coming from the building. I felt the fear crawl up my neck. The pressure wave pushed us both down on the ground. I hit my head pretty hard against the floor of the balcony. I started feeling nauseous.
«Emily, are you okay?!» Carter was sitting above me.
«I'm okay» he helped me up, but I realized I started to feel dizzy. My sight started to blurr and it felt like my feet was spaghetti.
«HeyHeyhey Emily» Carter held me up with his strong arms.
«Relax. It's going to be okay»
It all turned black. I dont know what happend. I dont know where the loud bang came from, but I'm 99.5% sure it was a bomb.

The next thing I knew, I was waking up in a room I had never been in before. I slowly opened my eyes and felt a Sharp pain through my head. It looked like a hotell room. The covers were white, the walls were colored in dark grey, there were big Windows so you could see the whole city. The room was pretty high up. A dark grey couch and a fireplace. I slowly got out of bed and walked into the bathroom. It was two showers, a big mirror, toilet and sink. It looked exspensive as f*ck.

I looked around the room for a little while. And it was nothing to find. Not even a clock. My phone was gone, and so was my ring. How would he know? It didnt take long for me to realize my clothes was replaced with a short, white nightdress hugging my body. I was just crossing my fingers Carter weren't the one who changed my clothes. That b*tch. I don't even know why he brought me here. He should have killed me. It would have honored his clan.

I went back into bed and lied down. I took a deep sigh. Suddently I heard a clicking noice from the door. Carter walked in and closed the door behind him.
«Good morning Princess» He was standing on the other side of the bed.
«How's your head»
I didn't respond. He looked down and smiled before he walked closer. What was he up to? My head was pouding. I used my hand to cover my eyes.
«Look.. if you're going to kill me, just do it already»
He started laughing. I removed my hand and gave him a annoyed look.
«Kill you?» he smiled.
For some reason I felt a wierd form of nervous. Almost like butterflies. Ugh, annoying. It was probably just my body being confused after I hit my head. Maybe I took more damage then I thought.

I looked at him. I had to amit, he was kind of handsome. But if I had the chance, I would have stabbed him again.
He leaned towards me. He was so close I could feel his breath on my skin. I felt the goosebumps crawling up my back.
«Killing you would be such a waste. He removed a piece of hair from my face. I felt the shivers throughout my whole body.
«I'm Keeping you here until I know your head is back.. and maybe a little bit longer» He blacked off and leaned against the wall.
«So you're Keeping me hostage?»
«I'm Keeping you safe Princess»
«You know, we call it kidnapping were I come from» I said with a bratty tone.
He leaned towards me and said;
«You know Princess, If you were mine, I would have punished such behavior. Maybe you just need to be f*cked out of it?»
I rolled my eyes at him but felt my cheeks Glow red. He stared into my eyes.
«Roll your eyes at me again» he said in a serious tone. I wanted to. I really wanted to. But I decided not to, a little nervous of what would happen. He leaned even closer and whispered into my ear;
«good girl»
It felt like my body was about to explode. I hated him, but i wanted him. I must have hit my head Harder than I thought.
He stood back up and started walking towards the door.
«We're leaving in one hour, be ready»
And then he left..

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