Dead Apple 🍎🍎🍎

Start from the beginning

"Smart little girl, but never will you outsmart me!" I stared up at the white man, staring at the crimson red gem stuck on his head like a horn. Just when I thought I would go flying into the debris like the other two, Akutagawa came true to his promise. The red and black shield stepped in front of me, protecting me from the harsh blow Shibusawa intended. This sent Akutagawa flying, yet again.

"Don't think you can kill someone who's already dead! I've already won!" The gem shined brightly while he smirked, ear to ear.

"Go Demon Snow! Defeat my enemy!" Kyouka screamed through gritted teeth. The demon launched forward and took out her sword, but the strong blow from Shibusawa threw her off course. I was still close, I can just touch his arm and this will all be over. Everyone will be safe, only if I touch him. Caving in to my thoughts, I obliged and sprinted towards the monster, my enemy.

"Stupid girl! Your to ignorant to understand, you are weak! I am strong!" He shouted out, then brought his hand down and scraped it across my face. My feet went stumbling back, there was not regaining my posture after this. A firm lump formed in my throat, the pain was unbearable. Even if it was just a slap across the face, it hurt. As he said, he was strong. Water filled my eyes, but even if I tried to keep my tears from falling, it was no use. Just like a tap turning on, the water flowed. The tears dropped down onto my clothes, and soon onto another's.

"Get up. Don't you dare give up now, it's just a scratch," Akutagawa pulled me up onto my feet again, "You feel what he did to you? Turn that pain into anger, let it flow through your veins and let it take over," He pushed me forward a bit, urging me to go back and join the fight. Channelling the pain from the scratch given to me by Shibusawa, I transformed it into pure anger. He hurt me, he hurt Akutagawa and Kyouka too.


So I did. I leaped forward and grabbed out the knife Kyouka previously gifted me.

"Yet, the kid keeps coming back. How idiotic!" The white man laughed out. That didn't stop me. Demon Snow and Akutagawa synced up with the attack, and yet we still weren't strong enough. Demon Snow and I attacked head on, using her sword and my dagger to defend. Shibusawa seemed too preoccupied with us then what was going on in the background. As a surprise attack, Akutagawa went in for the kill from behind. Yet, even thought he was distracted with us two, the horned male still sensed a presence behind him. Quickly, just like a reflex, he slammed around and punched Akutagawa square in the face. He didn't seem too hurt, since he had his demonic armor covering half of the punch. Without hesitation he flipped back around and pushed Demon Snow back into a pillar, destroying it. The building around us started to crumble, but luckily demon snow escaped before it collapsed on her.

My thoughts kept me pre-occupied, to my dismay. The white man had no mercy, and he hit my stomach, sending me flying up in the air.

"Demon Snow protect my allies!" Kyouka shouted from a distance. Before my body smashed against the floor, large arms brought me close. It was demon snow. Shibusawa started to attack Kyouka's ability, but she took the hits and kept me protected. She retreated and lead my back to Kyouka, while she went back to the fight, "Are you alright Y/N?" She panicked, looking around my body for wounds.

"Yes I think so, but my stomach hurts a bit," I replied, rubbing my tummy lightly.

"Here," She bent down to my level and we awkwardly hugged, "You're a strong little kid, you don't have to be strong for much longer. When Atsushi arrives you can have a rest. What do you think about that?" Kyouka took me out of her grip and smiled innocently.

"Yes please," I returned the favour and stood next to her.

"Kid! Hurry up and continue the fight, don't you dare give up!" Akutagawa growled through the rubble. His voice was coated in a strict tone, he had the power to shout even though he was struggling against the powerful being.

𝑸𝒖𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒖𝒎 𝑻𝒆𝒍𝒆𝒑𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 (𝑩𝑺𝑫 𝒙 𝑪𝒉𝒊𝒍𝒅 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓)Where stories live. Discover now