Washing Clothes

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A cold gust of wind blew through the house. She stood at the top of the basement steps looking down. She took a step down onto the first creaky stair. A chill ran up her spine when she saw shadows move and heard a quiet skittering sound. 

"It's fine," she whispered to herself  "Nothing is down there."

She slowly and carefully tip-toed down the cold wooden stairs and quickly made her way to the washing machine. She wasn't even sure as to why she chose to do the laundry at night, still there she was shoveling clothes into the dryer as fast as she could. Just as the closed the dryer door and went to turn it on, she heard it again, the faint skittering. This time it sounded closer. She quickly started the load and whipped her head around to see...

a mouse carrying a marshmallow, and it could have been the lack of sleep but she swore that the mouse had stopped to wave at her before scurrying off again, making the same skittering noise she had heard before.


Grammarly is saying that this story sounds "inspirational" and "informal" I get the informal part but how did inspiration get into this??

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