Chapter thirty seven - The Festival

Start from the beginning

"Don't you think I know that. I'm not stupid. I wouldn't let a little technicality get in my way. That's why I have two children. That way if only the one ends up with the power of the Ender Dragon I can just kill the other and complete the trial." I slapped my hands over my mouth to stop my gasp from being heard.

"And if they both have the powers?" The man asked.

"Then I'll have another child and kill that one when it's born." The man shook his head with a smile and the action caused him to make direct eye contact with me. I panicked and tried to make a run for it but it was too late. I heard the man chuckle before hearing my father's chair scrape across the floor and his heavy footsteps chase after me. I made it to my room and shut the door trying to keep him at bay, but he was much stronger than me. He soon burst the door open and came barreling in.

"What did I tell you!?!" He roared. I didn't say anything, instead I cowered in the corner of my room waiting for it to be over.


Tommy's pov

"Where can we go with a good view where they won't see us?" I questioned Wilbur as we snuck around the back of a building in Manburg.

"We need to get on top of the nasa building."

"Ok, but we need to be quick and we need to go now." I stated urgently before taking off towards the nasa building and breaking my way in. Wilbur followed my actions and eventually we had a good spot looking out one of the top windows of the building.

"I think we're good here." I whispered to my brother who was a couple windows down from me. As the festival started up a crowd of people came pouring in and I started to panick. "Wilbur there are a lot of people he I whisper shouted."

"I know there's a lot of people Tommy!" He shouted back, seemingly as panicked if not more than I was.

"Where is the button Wilbur!" Tubbo and I had finally gotten on board with Wilburs plan to blow up Manburg but I was still uneasy about it.

"I'm not telling you where the button is." He said like it was obvious.

"Why!?!" I shrieked. "We're supposed to be in this together!" My brother rolled his eyes before pointing past the podium over a hill.

"It's over that hill, right there!" He let out with anger before turning back to the window as he mumbled something condescending under his breath.

Confused, I walked towards him and asked, "what?"

"Forget it. It's starting." I instantly went back to my window and began watching. The plan was simple. Schlatt would no doubt start things off with some dumb, making Manburg better shit, before letting everyone go off and play some festival games. We would watch from above until they came back to the podium for their second round of speeches. Schlatt would speak again before giving the mic to Tubbo for his speech. Wilbur would then leave to find his button that would Nuke this entire country and wait for Tubbo to give the signal. Then Wilbur and I would make a run for it after he presses the button that would blow the place to hell. Thinking about it made a pit form in my stomach especially since Wilbur apparently didn't care about the fact that Tubbo might not make it out.

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