Chapter Four • A Text from the Principle

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Baldi was very happy for once in his life, usually opportunities like this come once in a lifetime.

The principles phone number.

Just thinking of all the possibilities made Baldi excited. This is a chance to get his job back, to be the teacher he once was, and go back to his old ways of teaching children and making sure they are the best they can be.

With the principles number its a chance for him to prove himself worthy of this job, and also love. Which he totally was not looking for with the principle, he just hated seeing that broom hang around the principle.

Tonight he had the perfect plan, he was gonna make sure sweep doesn't meet with the principle after class. He'll clean the dusty corners and then there will be no need for the principle to spend any more time with that broom than he needs.

It was still morning though, and Baldi had lots of time until he would put his plan into action.

He took out his phone, which was pretty outdated, but still did its job. He entered in the principles phone number into his contacts, and then decided to send him a simple message.

He typed in a 'hello principle, it's me Baldimore. I was wondering how you would like me to make it up to you for my rash behaviour. -Baldi' Then he hit send.

That sounds like a professional, straight to the point message, which is sure to get a positive response.

He got a ding from his phone and he checked the response, which was surprisingly pretty quick.

'Hello Baldimore, its nice to hear from you. I was hoping to meet you for coffee after class. We can discuss how I want you to behave. -T. Principle.'

Baldi wondered what the T stood for, but he supposed he'd figure it out eventually as they got to know each other better.

Come to think of it... He wants to meet at a coffee shop, is this a date??

No it couldn't be, he's my boss!

Even with these doubts Baldi couldn't help but feel giddy about meeting up with the principle after class, he's never hung out with the principle outside school before.

He opened up his closet and pondered what to wear for this coffee date.

All of his clothes looked very similar, just a neon green t-shirt and blue pants. He did have one shirt slightly different from the rest, it was a light green instead of his usual neon green. It was a very soft tone of green which was much less harsh from his usual green colour. As for the pants he brought out a pair of black dress pants. Then he took out a dark green tie.

To top it all off he took out some cherry red lipstick which he thought assentuates his already ruby red lips.

He set all these aside on a chair for when class is over and he could pick up the principle from school.

He decided to go outside for a walk around the block, he didn't really have much else going on.

When he opened the door he saw ms.Lady sipping on a cup of tea on her porch.

"Why hello Baldi, beautiful day out isn't it?" She said in that sweet old lady voice of hers.

"Yes, its very... Bright" Baldi agreed that it was a very nice day today.

"Take a seat! I want to hear all about how your little plan went yesterday!" She motioned for him to sit down and he reluctantly complied. He sat down beside her and noticed she had an extra teacup already set up for him.

"The plan could've went better. I did what you said and told him I was a changed man. But he didn't buy it for a second, and he told me I had to wait a couple more months since they already replaced me."

"Oh Baldi... I'm so sorry to hear they're treating you so poorly at that school, you know I've been hearing alot of good things about this new school they're making. Its pretty close to your old one" Ms. Lady suggested.

"I got my granddaughter going to that school and her grades couldnt be better!" She gloated.

"I'm happy to hear that, it sounds like your granddaughter has a bright future ahead of her. In this world it's important to get good grades or else you're a nobody. If you get even one bad grade no one will take your job application seriously."

"Ohh I don't know about that" Ms. Lady disagreed with Baldi's pessimistic worldview, she did agree it was important to get good grades, but getting a couple bad grades aren't the end of the world.

"Ms. Lady I appreciate the suggestion, but I really liked what I had at the school house. Going to a new school I'd have to start all over again"

"Well, I guess I understand where you're coming from, I hope you're able to get your old job back!" Ms. Lady said before taking a sip of her tea.

"Thanks, it means alot, sorry to up and leave but I'm gonna go for a walk now. I need to have a clear head for the next step of my plan" Baldi stood up and waved goodbye. Then went to take a walk around the block. Taking strolls has been his favourite activity besides sulking in front of the television.

Time skip to later in the evening

Baldi was sulking in front of the television flipping through the different channels he had, which wasn't many. He checked his phone and decided it was time to get ready for his big date.

He stripped off his usual clothes and put on the light green button up and dress pants. He done up his tie and looked at himself in the mirror, he decided putting on lipstick would be a bit overkill especially since hes just going to get a cup of coffee.

He checked his phone again and saw school was almost over, he gave himself one last look over in the mirror before spraying himself with cologne that his Dad gave him for his birthday. It was old spice, which greatly reminded him of his Dad, and reminded him he must get his job back to make him proud.

He hurried out the door and into the car, he turned the key and off he went, to the schoolhouse.

Once he arrived there he parked his car in the parking lot and locked the car door behind him, then he made his way back inside the familiar schoolhouse.

Class still hasn't ended yet, so he still had some time to spare. He picked up a broom that wasn't sweep, and began cleaning the dusty corners. Baldi remembered sweep said something about the principle wanting to sweep up the dusty corners, he was just doing it for him so his principle would have less on his plate to do.

He continued doing this, getting lost in his hardwork. He never had to do anything like this when he was actually working there.

"What do you think you're doing?" A bratty voice spoke from behind him, Baldi turned to see who it was.

It was gotta sweep, and she was angry.

Suspension for You (Baldi x Principal) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz