Chapter 12: My Dragons will protect me!

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Walking down the street, I feel someone, or some people watch me. I get ready to turn myself into a spirit. I hear an explosion behind me. I jump and turn around. Thinking Binx, who can explode stuff, was there, but he wasn't. Death and Blade stood there.

"What are you doing here?" Another voice behind me said.

I turned around to see Ember, Nightmare, and Floof. Floof was a small siamese cat. I backed up into the street. A hand was placed on my shoulder. I looked at who did it. Captain was standing there. I looked back to the villains. Phantombur, Warden, Mira, 3D, Casino, and Slime were standing by Death and Blade. The vigilantes, Mystery and Nuclear, stood in front of me. I looked behind Captain. All the other vigilantes were there. Forest, Halo, and Ore behind Monarch and Captain. Sleepwalker came up to the Captain and pushed her away. I flinched back.

'Why am I in the middle of this?' I thought.

Remedy stood on top of a building. Of course this is gonna be major if Remedy is here. I looked around. People didn't know what was gonna happen. I looked and saw Fundy running to try to help me. Foolish stood, seeming to look like this was normal. I looked at my two friends in the crowd, giving them a 'help me' look. Foolish gave me a 'it's okay' look. Fundy didn't notice me. People started getting escorted away by police. The different people fought each other. Forest held me down by bright green vines. Captain stood by me. I needed help. I tried to turn into a spirit but my powers failed. I thought I was surely dead. Different kinds of powers and magic shown in my vision. I needed to escape. I watched Phantombur, remembering what Tubbo said. A shock of electricity from Monarch flew at Phantombur. The electicy made his mask snap in half. Wilbur stood there. Tubbo was right. But if Wilbur was Phantombur, Blade was Techno and Death was Phil. I was not that smart to see the similarites.

I looked up at Captain. Her fluffy hair and sheep features made her Puffy. How did I friend villains, heroes, and vigilates? I looked to Forest or Hannah. I tugged agenst the vines. Hannah noticed, I glared at her. I looked back to the main fight to see a blue ball of fire fly at my face. Mira or Niki noticed and made a wall of water stoping the fair from getting to me. I flitch back. I just wanted Flora and safety. A frimaler roar rang across the buildings. The others were confused. My saviors were here!

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