Chapter 7: So, we have a kitten

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I opened the door to the small apartment. Tubbo was looking at his computer. Ranboo was probably at work, Amazon! Free Amazon shipping from Ranboo plus even more was amazing.

“Mrrow,” Flora meowed.

“Ranboo?” Tubbo spun around.

He looked at me then at Flora and back to me.

“Why do you have a cat?” Tubbo asked, glaring at me.

“I found her,” I shyly said.

“And you kept her?” Tubbo asked again.

“I am keeping Flora,” I smiled.

“You named her!” Tubbo yelled.

“Yes, Flora,” I pet her.

Tubbo sighed. He spun back around in his chair. Flora pawed at my foot. I lifted her up. I walked to our shared bedroom. I set Flora on my bed. My bed was the bottom bunk of the bunk bed. Ranboo’s bed was a separate bed due to him being 6’8. An old rugged blanket covered the old mattress. Flora didn’t seem to care and laid down. I got ready for bed and fell asleep.

I woke up to yelling. Flora was by my head. I pet her. A shout called me to come over. I slowly and tiredly sat up. I rubbed the tiredness out of my eyes.

“Tommy! In here now!” Tubbo yelled.

I sat up from my bed. Flora got up and stretched with a big yawn. I lifted her up and walked into the room where my friends were.

I yawned, “What do you need?”

“You have to get rid of the cat,” Tubbo flat out says.

I gasp, “Why?”

“Animals are too much money,” Ranboo looks at the kitten.

“My friend said he will help me pay for anything Flora needs,” I quickly say.

“I don’t believe that,” Tubbo snaps.

“Ant will! He fell in love with Flora! And he is a cat hybrid!” I yell at my best friends.

“So? It can be fake!” Ranboo shouts.

I was disappointed that my friends didn’t want me to be happy.

“So I can’t be happy?” I asked.

“You can but we can’t have a cat,” Tubbo sighs.

My ears were flat against my head. Flora wiggled in my arms and climbed up my shoulder. She sat down, glaring at my friends. I pat her on the head. I glared at my friends, letting out a small growl. Flora hissed. After a while, I convinced Tubbo and Ranboo to let me buy stuff for Flora and give her a chance. I got ready for the day. Ranboo was going to come with me today because he wanted to.

“You two head out, get the importained stuff,” Tubbo huffed in annoyance.

“I’ll make sure, don’t worry,” Ranboo reashered Tubbo.

“Thanks,” Tubbo smiled.

Ranboo grabbed my wrist and dragged me out the door, Flora on my shoulder. I let Ranboo drag me, even if he kept making sure I could keep up.
So we got to the pet store. I grabbed a cart and let Flora in the cart. Ranboo stayed near me. I got a small pink collar and a long pink cat leash. I got cat food and treats. I gathered everything a cat needs. A bed, toys, and more. I paid for everything with the $300 Ant gave me. I brought the charm to the machine. I put ‘Flora’ on the front and my number with Ranboo’s number on the back.
We left to home. Ranboo and I holding the bags. Flora on the leash and walking by my side. We got home and I set all the cat stuff around the place. I have a chance to keep Flora.

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