Chapter 3: Why now?

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This is probly the shortest chapter. Enjoy!

Proceeding to walk ‘home’, a fight between the villain, Phantombur, and the hero, Ember, was happening. I had enough with everyone today. I walked past the fight, not giving a care about the blazing hot fire. Phantombur glanced at me. Did I know him? No. 

‘Stop looking at me. I don’t know you,’ I thought.

I continued to walk past. A shot of blazing fire flew past me. I reacted in no way. 

“Why would you try to attack a civilian!” Phantombur yelled at Ember. 

“You seem to know him!” Ember yelled back.

I continued to walk past the chaos. Yelling from the villain and hero was heard, bouncing off the buildings. I just want to get home. People gave me weird glances about something. 

‘Stop looking at me people!’ I yell in my head

I continue walking down the ripped out street. A shiny snow scale laid on the ground. I picked up the scale. It felt cold to the touch. Shivers ran through my body. I shrugged it off and continued walking. I still felt the coldness on my skin even though the scale was in my pocket and continued on my way home to see Tubbo and Ranboo. Hopefully Foolish will be working tomorrow. Maybe even Puffy. Please say tomorrow will be better than today.

I will add next chapter soon! about 240 words. BYE!

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