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"Today will be a special day, where 5 new apprentices will be appointed." Announced Olive/star, who in response got purrs and cheers, this meant a great deal. The apprentices would be able to hunt for the clan! "Please come on up, Bee/kit, Kestrel/Kit, Lavender/Kit, Lemon/Kit, and River/kit." Smiled Olive/star, who leaped down from the wet rock and glanced into every kit's eyes, but eyes locked onto Bee/kit. Examining him closely, he broke the stare and smiled once again onto the kits.

"Kestrel/kit, we are grateful for your strength, this will mean a great deal to the clan, you are now named Kestrel/Paw." Said Olive/star, licking his ear in gratitude, "Your mentor will be Poppy/ear, who is a fierce warrior." Said Olive/star, who was now Kestrel/Paw, leaped over to his mother and touched noses with her, and his mother touched noses with him back. Cats began to cheer on Kestrel/Paw. "Lavender/Kit, Riverclan is honored for your speed, use it wisely, Lavender/Paw." Meowed Olive/star, who licked her ear as well and looked upon the warriors. "Your mentor will be Sun/Wish, I dearly hope Sun/Wish teaches you wisely." Nodded Olive/star, who trotted over Lavender/paw in a hurry and touched noses with her, speaking to her and smiling. 

Next, Olive/star glanced at River/kit, who galloped over to River/kit and examined him, staring into his orange eyes. "River/kit, your wit and wisdom will surely be a benefit to this clan, you are welcomed as River/Paw. Your mentor shall be Petal/Moon." Purred Olive/star, who backed away and let the two cats touch each others noses and lick each other's pelts, Petal/Moon seemed surprised, who thought River/paw's tough-looking fur would be tough, but was actually soft.

Olive/star blinked his green eyes, the moon was at its lowest, while the sun was at its lowest as well. The snow kept on falling onto each cat's pelts, which many were shivering because of the cold weather. Bee/kit groaned, he looked at his paws and realized Olive/star was speaking to Lemon/Kit. "Lemon/kit, your hearing will be used to its fullest, and used for the clan's better. You are now known as Lemon/Paw, and your mentor shall be Night/eyes, may Night/eyes teach you the ways of a warrior." Olive/star nodded towards Night/eyes, and the two touched noses, Lemon/kit appeared as if he was scared of Night/eyes, avoiding his gaze.

Olive/star padded to Bee/kit, his eyes widened, but then his gaze softened, clearing his throat and looking to all the warriors that were sharing tongues with their apprentices, eyeing the ones that were free and not occupied with another apprentice. "Bee/kit, you shall be known as Bee/paw, your cleverness will surely be a big impact on this clan, and I hope you are trained to the fullest by my deputy, Sparrow/heart." Said Olive/star, which made Bee/paw's ears flick, the deputy? Bee/paw thought he would have a normal warrior as a mentor, but he guessed not, the deputy was still a fine choice.

Sparrow/heart got up and stretched his long limbs, his dark orange eyes closing and opening, and trotted towards Bee/paw, Bee/paw sniffed Sparrow/heart, and touched noses with his mentor. "I hope to train you well, Bee/paw." Said Sparrow/heart with a nod, and Bee/paw glared into his eyes, something behind those eyes.. Something behind those eyes, Bee/paw felt a presence, not just a normal one. A dark one, one where they were hiding something, but Bee/paw couldn't figure it out. 

Olive/star jumped onto the wet rock, and everybody returned to their positions. With a stern and firm voice, "My deputy will be arranging patrols, I expect everyone to be out on either border patrols or hunting patrols. The new apprentices will be given a day off, to explore their new den and new wonders being taught." Yowled Olive/star, the cats seeming to understand his announcement. "1 hunting patrol and 2 border patrols will be sent, Clan dismissed." Meowed Olive/star, leaping down to go on a border patrol. Lemon/paw seemed to whimper towards his siblings. "I wanted Yarrow/tuft! She always so funny and energetic- like me!" Lemon/paw complained, but yawning.

"W-we should get to our new beds.. We will surely start training tomorrow." Said Lavender/paw, gazing at her paws and not looking at her brothers. Kestrel/paw hissed at Lavender. "You're not the one who bosses everyone around, purple alien!" Giggled Kestrel, Bee absolutely hated how Kestrel picked on Lavender, he felt like Lavender was the 2nd nicest sibling, with Lemon/kit on top. "Hey, mouse-brain, quit it." Bee/paw hissed back, his presence obviously smaller but his braveness was all he needed. "Look! It's bee brain and mouse brain! Take a look!" Laughed Kestrel, giggling at the both of them, while Lavender stood behind Bee, Bee bared his fangs, eyes filled with anger.

"Quit picking on them, take on someone your own size." Said a mysterious voice, that was obviously talking to Kestrel/paw, it was Sparrow/heart! Sparrow/heart was Kestrel's dream mentor, and Kestrel obviously was gonna be meaner to him, but maybe it turned out to be that Sparrow/heart wouldn't be his dream mentor anymore. " Im disappointed that you pick on your siblings, I thought you wouldn't be a mouse-brain." Said Sparrow/heart, rolling his dark orange eyes, bee/paw couldn't hold in his laugh, while Kestrel/paw stormed off to the apprentice's den with River/paw.

"You two okay?" Asked Sparrow/heart, first licking his white paws then going to his brown body. Bee/paw couldn't believe it, the first warrior he would admire. No wonder Kestrel wanted Sparrow/heart. "Y-yes." Answered Lavender/paw before Bee/paw could say anything, "Yes, you have a brave soul, little Bee/paw." Chuckled Sparrow/heart, Bee/paw shook his head and sat down on the hard and dull ground. "No, I'm not that kind of cat. I just dont want to see my sister being humiliated like that.." Frowned Bee/paw, before Lavender/paw glared at Bee/paw and widened her yellow eyes, before she gave a light smile and trotted to the apprentice's den and seemed to wait for Bee/paw.

"You're caring, then. But yes, you should probably go to bed." Yawned Sparrow/heart once again, the moon shined onto the both of them, becoming almost at its highest. "You're lucky, you know. Deputies barely get any sleep, I still have to lead a border patrol, while Olive/star leads the hunting patrol." Explained Sparrow/heart, and Bee/paw nodded. Bee/paw went towards Lavender/paw, and saw that all of their siblings, along with 2 apprentices, were asleep. Lavender/paw quietly pawed onto a soft-looking moss bed, and beside it was a free one. Lavender/paw put her tail on it, signaling Bee/paw to go on it, and Bee/paw grinned. He leaped onto the bed and yawned.

"G-Good night, Bee/paw." Smiled Lavender/paw, while closing her light yellow eyes and dozing off into a good dream. Bee/paw sighed, he knew Kestrel/kit and his mother would be the beginning of his horrible life. It's not just his family that he was worried about, it was about his father and who he was, his mother never dared to speak a word of him. Every time he mentioned his father, trying to get to know who he was, his mother would always say. "You dont need to know that mouse-brain! He could be your worst nightmare."

What was so bad.. about his father?

The Bee That Never Returned To His Hive. || WC FANFICTIONTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon