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꒒ ꒩ ꒦ ꒰
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      When her eyes opened, all Love could see was bricked ceiling, she focus on a single brick, it bother her, it was the only brick crocked, and tilted, messing up the symmetrical formation of the ceiling. Her focus then was snatched by the dull throb in her head and face, it wasn't exactly painful, but it was bothersome, like a nagging itch she couldn't reach. And who the hell was talking?

"For Rowena's sake, put those potions away."

"Uhm No? I'm trying to figure out which one I can throw at Potter without going to Azkaban."

"Say it louder, why don't you? His sodding uncle is somewhere in the room chatting with Madam Pomfrey, Padma. And not to mention, his father's an Auror for the Ministry, your arse would be in jail before you even throw the potion at his son, who is one of the most famous people in bloody Britain, mind you."

"Worth a shot... Hey Emma, if I ever get arrested would you speak for me at the Wizengamot?"


"...Rude, I would do it for you, twat."

"Y'know how I feel about the Ministry and Aurors. They are a corrupt organization that–"

"Only seek power for themselves and never let the public know what is going on unless it benefits them."

"Well, they are, I mean look at the Pettigrew situation, I bet my life that the Ministry kept it a secret until they realize they weren't getting anywhere near capturing Pettigrew again, that's bloody wrong, that murderer has been out and about for Merlin knows how long before they told us anything, risking our lives and for what?"

"Have you stopped and thought that perhaps they didn't want to tell us to keep the masses calm?"

"That's the thing, Padma, the Ministry can't just simply decide what it is going to do in secrecy and later on present it to the people, things can go wrong very quickly. And don't even let me get started on the people who run it, or are actively part of it..."

"Yeah, I'll give you that one. Some higher-ups need a full investigation, starting with Malfoy."

"Ugh, I can't believe they let someone like him be part of it–"

"Shut up, my head hurts." Love mumbled, her eyes closing as she feels her brain aching, she reckons is because of the discussion her friends were having about politics, of all things.

"Love!!" Both her friends exclaimed, jolting up from wherever they were and coming next to her, each on either side of her.

"Rowena Love, you gave us a right scare," Padma said, looking down at her a frown on her face, her mouth stretched on a small grin.

𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚕𝚢 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 // 𝙷.𝙿Where stories live. Discover now