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"I don't understand. What the fuck is Be On Cloud? Where did it come from?" Apo's arms flail as he paces around Mile's living room. "Out of fucking nowhere, that's where. I've never heard of them before."

A new agency has swooped in at the eleventh hour and bought Filmania out, taking over the production of KinnPorsche, with most of the actors reprising their roles. The business acquisition is shrouded in mystery, leaving even the highest-ranking Filmania executives confused.

Mile inspects his fingers coolly, perched on his black leather couch.

The silence stretches until Apo turns to him slowly. "What did you do?"

"Hmm? What do you mean?"

Apo stares at him blankly.

"You did something. I know you did."

"I simply conducted a business transaction. It's not my first, nor will it be my last."

Apo stalks over and plants one hand on either side of Mile's shoulders, his arms two imprisoning brackets.

"Tell me. Did you buy Filmania? Are you the CEO of that Floating On A Cloud company? Tell me."

"I'm not the only CEO," Mile responds calmly. "Truthfully, I have no interest in being the face of the company. I'm just a...significant shareholder. You could say it's my agency."

Apo gawks at him. "I'm not interested in running the company. I just invested the money-"

"How much?!"

Mile blinks.

"Nine digits. I'll get a percentage profit as ROI." He sees Apo's face contort in confusion. "It's like this. The company needs three main shareholders. There's me. And Pond-"

"I don't speak your business legalese. Who the fuck is Pond?!"

"A friend of mine, Pond Krisda Witthayakhajorndet." Mile strokes Apo's tense forearm with a soft, comforting hand. "Everything's going to be okay, Apo. I'm going to make it okay." Apo shakes his head. "There are going to be some staffing and management changes. We're going to keep the building, though. KinnPorsche will go on." He gazes tenderly at Apo, who's still shaking his head. "Everything's going to be okay."

"Who the fuck are you?" Apo whispers, pulling away. "I thought you were just an ordinary actor like me. You should've told me-"

"I thought it was obvious from..." He waves his hand vaguely around the opulent surroundings. "All this. You must've seen the billboards-"

"Every decent actor's been on a billboard. I didn't know that meant you could buy KinnPorsche for nine digits!" Apo's eyes narrow in disbelief. "I can't believe I thought we could be friends." Mile winces inwardly at the word, but doesn't let it show. "All along, you thought I was some poor, stupid monk, didn't you? That's why you deigned to drive me around in your fancy car and buy me fancy dinners-"

"What?! No-"

"I'm so embarrassed right now. Why do you even hang out with me?"


Mile's phone pings with an incoming notification from Wichapas Sumettikul. He's been translating the original novel to English, and has a question about royalty fees.

Something tells Mile it would only increase the rift between them if he reveals now that Kinn's character was written based on him. He slides the phone away. But it doesn't matter; Apo is already stalking out the door by the time he looks up.


Mile assumed that Apo would be impressed by his wealth and status. Everyone else is. But money doesn't impress Apo Nattawin. Honesty and frankness do.

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