Chapter 4 - At the Office

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After an eternity of watching my brother and his human friends talk over a corpse they start packing up all their stuff and say they'll meet back up at the precinct. I think that's the place I found Lucifer yesterday.

All these human terms, so confusing.

"Alright Luna hop back in the car we're going into the office." Lucifer demands


"Well that's where we'll really get into the case."

"But I don't care about the case." I roll my eyes at him getting into the car anyways

"Well I do, and you care about me, so you're coming" He states, slamming his car door shut and once again speeds off.

Once we get to the precinct Lucifer opens my door for me guiding me out and leading me to where his precious detective is.

She isn't here yet I guess, but she has a really nice desk.

It has all kinds of stuff on it.

I guess I was a little too immersed with the stuff on Chloe's desk because I didn't notice Lucifer walk away from me to go talk to that other detective, I believe his name is douche.

I especially didn't notice when that overly chatty girl from the crime scene skipped into the room talking again about the super great lieutenant guy who was supposedly showing up today.

Not that I care, I think I may have discovered one of fathers best creations. These shiny metal balls that clink together make such a lovely sound and it's absolutely mesmerizing to watch. If any of my siblings try and bring me back 'home' I definitely need to bring this with.

Chloe finally walks into the room, and she snatches the majestic device from my fingers slamming it down on her desk, "that's not a toy." Then she walks into the main room where it seems all the other officers and even my brother have gathered.

Who pissed in her cereal.

Oh well she's in the other room I'll just wait for Lucifer to finish up then I'll make him take me back to Lux. At least at Lux no one yelled at me.

I try to make myself more comfortable while I wait. Well if I can't play with the detective's stuff I'll just sit at her desk, something to kill the time.

Oh this chair is great. Who would've thought, a chair that can spin. Last time I visited Earth the humans would've never dreamt of something this grand.

After spinning myself around two or three or four times I settle for just kicking my legs up on the detective's desk and picking at my finger nails. I glance over at the crowd of people again and they seem to be getting quieter, I guess this new lieutenant guy is getting ready to introduce himself.

I really don't understand why Lucifer loves this job so much. I mean so far all we have done is look at a gross dead body, get yelled at by an angry blonde woman, and sit around doing nothing waiting for some random guy.

But then again Lucifer does seem rather content these days. He must really enjoy it here. I just don't know if I feel the same.

Sure heaven is unbelievably boring, and no one there makes half as good of a conversationalist as Lucifer and I certainly do not consider it to be my home, but I don't know if I enjoy this life either. I'm glad Lucifer found somewhere to fit in, I just wish I could find a place too.

Whatever, I'll just try to enjoy my time here with my brother as long as I can.

Lulling me out of my depressing thoughts is a deep rustic voice. Hmm he must be the lieutenant. I refuse to look up though staying in my chair, well the detective's chair, staring down at my chipped nail polish.

He doesn't say a lot, at least not while I was paying attention, and I can feel his eyes watching me not watching him.

I am definitely tempted to look up at him, Oh hell, you only live once right.

Looking up through the few strands of hair that had fallen loose I glance over toward the lieutenant only to find that his eyes are still trained on me. Interesting.

We lock eyes for a moment, he has gorgeous eyes, then he breaks away and walks to where I'm guessing his new office is, I keep staring as he walks away.

While I am watching him Lucifer and his little crew all walk in. Chloe is talking about how much of an ass the new guy seems, Dan agreeing with her, and Ella defending the man calling him Lt. Pierce.

Pierce, that's not a name I recognize, but hopefully me and Lt will become acquainted.

Snapping his fingers in front of my face Lucifer tries to get my attention but I don't really notice until Lt. Pierce with the hunky arms has disappeared behind a door.

Lucifer tries to follow my eyesight to see what I could possibly find more interesting than him talking. But lucky for me the door had shut before Lucifer could see.

I stand up abruptly spinning around to face Lucifer, "Okay, I;m ready to go"

"Go?" He questions giving me that look.

"Yup go. I'm not a detective. It's been made clear that I shouldn't be anywhere near a case. And this is boring, so I want to go." Scoffing Lucifer begrudgingly agrees

"Fine, it takes some time before there's a break in the case anyways I'll just drop you off at Lux and head back on over here."

I start walking toward the elevator while Lucifer stays back for a moment, I could barely overhear him saying, "See what you've done Chloe you're driving my sister away, Haven't seen her in over a milenia and I can't even show her around my new job. I am rather disappointed in your behavior. After the case you too will both need to sit down, have a drink, and find a way to get along. Can't have the two most important women in my life fighting now can we."

What a way to make an exit Luci. Smiling sadly to myself I can't help but think all I have done since I have arrived is cause issues in Lucifer's new life, hopefully I can find a way to fit in and soon.

Word Count: 1049

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