part 25 "between a rock and a hard place"

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   I held a cup of boos in my hand swaying to the sound of country music.
"Dance with me Lloyd" I said kissing his ear as he stares up at me from his chair. "Not a chance" he mumbles angrily. "Come on baby. Be my baby dance with me"  I whisper in his ear pulling in his hands onto my hips. "I said no dolly" he said sternly. I pulled away giving him a dirty look. "Fine! I'll dance by myself!" I say. "You can't let a girl dance by herself loydie" laramie spoke. I looked over at her. "Loydie?" I questioned. Loyd just shook his head sipping his beer. She looked duo at me "who are you again?"
"They're friends" says jimmy. "Friends? Well. Your friends look like their getting a little too friendly" I say

"You know what! I'll dance with you dolly" Ryan says grasping my hand leading me to the radio. "at a boy!" I smile as we sway to a sexy country song. Our hips swayed together. He had real good moves. He was so good at dancing I could've had an organism on his damn hips. You ever see dirty dancing? Yeah. We danced that good and that dirty. I laughed loudly holding my drink above my head as he danced with me. I looked Ryan deep in his eyes. Truly really realizing how sexy he was. I leaned my forehead on his and we danced in laughter. He held my hips tight in his grip. It was hot. Wow. Classy. Infront of my husband too? The song had ended and Ryan patted my ass. "You're real good at that darlin who taught you that?" I asked walking back to the table where a game of cards had broken out. "My mama threw me in lessons when I was younger. I hated it!" He laughed loudly. "Well they payed off didn't they" I smirked. I took another shot of Jim. "Alright. Who's playing next?" Colby counted out the cards one by one. I glanced over at Loyd as he watched me with anger. "What's your problem?" I say leaning over with my hands on the arms of the chair into his face to give him a kiss. He pushed me out if the way as he stood up. "The fuck!?" I say. "piss off dolly!" Lloyd mumbled walking out the door. I scoffed "I'll be back. Start without Me" I say before following Loyd out the door. "Lloyd! Quit walking away form me!"

"No dolly!! You're a fucking embarrassment!" He yells

"How!? How am I an embarrassment!?" I

"You know youre gonna fucking die yet you still choose to drink! You don't give a shit about anyone else but yourself!!"

"That's the point Lloyd! I don't care about myself!! Let me fucking die doing what I love!"

"I want you to die with me! I want you to live for years with me! You just don't care about what your death will do to others around you!"

"Jesus Lloyd! Take me as I fucking am or leave me!"

"Looks like I'm fucking leaving you then!"

"No you ain't! Lloyd!" He starts to walk away. "Lloyds stop!! You're not leaving me! Cut the shit!!" I follow him grabbing his arm

"No dolly! You can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped! I ain't gonna sit here and watch you die!! It ain't happening! Your drinking isn't just a problem for you it's for everyone else!"

"So you're just gonna be done with me!? Years down the drain for nothing!?"

"Seems like that don't it!" He says walking off once more

"Fine! Fuck you! I don't even fucking care!!" I continued to follow him "because at the end of the day no matter what I do I will fucking die! I just don't care how!"

Lloyd turn around to say one last thing to me "you know..." We both look behind him. We looked over at the end of the drive way where there was at least 15 police cars speeding up the driveway blaring their sirens. Lloyd looked at me as I looked at him.
The cowboys came out of their bunks and followed us up the house as we stood and watched these cars speed then suddenly stop. The police scattered the ground like a group of ants.

"Put your hands above your head now!!" An officer yelled. I looked at John who stood on the front porch of the house with his kids. "NOW!" the officer yelled once more. I looked behind me not knowing who they were speaking to.

"Dolly do not resist!!" Jamie yelled as he walked down from the front porch. I put my hands above my head. I looked over at Kacey who stood next to his wife and child. "The fuck is this about!" I yell at the cops. They quickly shove me against the car hitting my head in the window. "Fuck you guys!!!" I yell
"You're obligated to tell us what the fuck this is about!" Jamie yelled.

"Dolly Dutton you are under arrest for the murder for Robert long! Whatever you say will be used against you in the court of law. Do you have anything that could stick me or poke me as I begin to search you?"

I felt my heart stop. Goosebumps filled my skin. "No" I simply replied. They groped my body roughly "jesus pull down your pants why don't you! I prefer being fucked raw! I'm allergic to latex!" I say before they roughly bend me over the car.

"What evidence do you have against this!? Huh!?" Jamie demanded. One of the officers pulled out an evidence bag. The officer slammed the bag Infront of my face on the hood of the car. "isn't this your knife miss Dutton!?"
My eyes widened. My knife. My brass knife. I didn't even notice it was gone.

"You fucking bitch!!!" Monica yelled. "You fucking monster!!" She screamed full of tears. "you have no right! That isn't evidence!" John yelled. The cops kept their guns drawn for safety. I struggled and wiggled out if the rip of the officers. I bolted straight to Lloyd into his arms. He quickly held my cheeks. I stared fearfully in his eyes "I love you Loyd. Okay!? I love you! Don't forget that! I love you!!" I scream as they yank me and struggle with me. "Hey!! Keep your hand soff of her!!" Lloyd yelled before being held back by rip. "Let me go you fucking pig!!" I squirmed before being shoved into the back of the officers car. Monica came to my window screaming and yelling. It took Kasey and rip to pull her away. I kept my head down. I gave Kasey my word. I was never going to break my word. Monica kicked the cop car. She was hysterical.
"I'll be right behind you!" Jamie says through the window "don't say a word!"
Parts of me weren't shocked. I wasn't worried. although at the same time I was scared shitless. I may just be in prison for the rest of my life. I may never see my kids again. I'll never drink boos again. I'll never be free again...

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