Chapter 2. The Beach Party

Start from the beginning

On the beach, Rebecca saw people sunbathing, swimming in the ocean, playing soccer, and playing volleyball. She decided to stop and take off her tunic and flip flops and put them in her bag.

Rebecca put on her sunscreen and then her sunglasses. She put down her beach towel, and sat down to watch the waves. Turning to her side, she saw a group of teenage boys from Reseda, playing soccer.

Among those boys, was Freddy and Daniel. They waved to her, as they ran past her, and she waved back and smiled.

A little while later, Rebecca was watching the waves, when she felt someone gently tap her on the shoulder. "Excuse me?" a feminine voice said

Rebecca looked up and saw a beautiful teenage girl, around her age, and had thick, shoulder length, curly blonde hair, hazel eyes and a warm, welcoming smile.

Rebecca smiled as she took off her sunglasses and stood up. "Oh hi."

"Hi. I didn't mean to startle you." the blonde warmly smiled

"Oh no you didn't." Rebecca smiled

"Are you here by yourself?" The blonde asked

"Well, my friends are actually playing soccer with a group of boys. I just wanted to sit and watch the waves." Rebecca said

"Would you like to come and sit with us?" The blonde invited. Rebecca looked past her, and saw two more girls sitting on their beach towels

"I don't want to intrude." Rebecca said

"Please. I insist." The blonde said with a kind smile

"All right. You've talked me into it." Rebecca said with a laugh, making the blonde laugh as well. She grabbed her beach towel and her bag. "Thank you."

"No problem. My name is Ali with an i. Ali Mills." Ali introduced as she extended her hand for a handshake.

"It's nice to meet you Ali. My name is Rebecca Winchester." Rebecca said as she shook Ali's hand.

"Would you like to be friends?" Ali asked

"I would love that." Rebecca smiled.

"Well Rebecca, I haven't seen you around here before." Ali smiled. "Are you new?"

"Yeah. My dad and I just moved to Reseda yesterday to be near my uncle. They're both mechanics at the Reseda auto shop." Rebecca smiled as she and Ali walked to her friends.

"Well, welcome to The Valley." Ali smiled. "How do you like it so far?"

"Well, surprisingly, I actually like it." Rebecca smiled

"So what brought you to the Valley?" Ali asked as the two girls continued walking

"Well, my mom passed away a year ago, and it was just to painful to stay in Kansas, so we moved to Reseda to be close to uncle Sam." Rebecca said

"Rebecca, I'm so sorry. Please know, if you ever need to talk, I'm here." Ali said

"Thanks." Rebecca softly smiled as the two reached Ali's friends

"Rebecca Winchester, this is Susan and Barbara." Ali introduced as they reached her friends and sat down, and Rebecca sat down next to Ali.

"Hey." Susan and Barbara both smiled and said at the same time.

"So where are you from, Rebecca?" Barbara asked sweetly

"Lebanon, Kansas. I just moved to Reseda with my dad yesterday." Rebecca smiled. "He's a mechanic at the auto shop with my uncle."

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