Part XIV

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Deep in thought, the three of us crowded around the warm fireplace. Punz sat beside me, likely thinking about how to take down Dream. Nikki was reading a book... upside down. Probably thinking about her nightmare still. And me? I was thinking about the past. How bad could things have been back then? Why did Dream want all this chaos-?

"I say that tomorrow we do the trap," Punz finally broke the silence. I nodded in agreement, and Nihachu whispered, "S- sounds good to me. My only problem is... what if it all goes south? I mean, he knows you've betrayed him right? Dream would never revive you."

"It's okay," Punz said, "I have two lives right now, and even if it's cannon I'll still be able to make it. You two both have three thankfully, and I can always revive you. If only I still had that death book things would be over much faster..."

"Never dwell on the past," I responded, "And anyways, the plan is foolproof! Nobody is dying on my watch. This is mostly my problem after all, and I can't let anything happen to you two!"

"I appreciate the sentiment," Punz laughed, "But me and Nikki are the only ones who can fight. You're just the bait, remember? Dream is the best fighter on the server, at least as good as Techno anyways."

"Yeah," I said, "I'd ask Techno to help, but I don't want to ask for any more favors. I still have to return his horse and everything," I fiddled with the hem of my dress.

The three of us at last got up and grabbed our weapons. Next we got onto our horses, Carl Jr and Nikki's horse. Since Punz didn't have one (Lost it during a trip) he rode on Carl and I held onto him. I felt my cheeks heat up slightly when he offered but set it aside. It was now or never.


I am genuinely sorry this time- this is three days late abd literally 323 words but I DO have an explanation, 😅. Basically there was some uh, stuff going down at my school. If you want to find out wat happened there is a detailed book called "A Loss for Words" on my page which is what's been happening with my life recently. This is also a tuesday and my whole schedule is currently out of whack.

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