Ch.15 Beach trip

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~Y/n pov~

We were on the bus going to the beach.

I was sat on a six seater with Jayeol, Jinsung, Haneul and Mijin.

Jaeyeol had the window seat and was fast asleep, his head resting on my shoulder.

Haneul was sat on the other side of me, chatting and occasionally showing me pictures on her phone as Mijin sat across from her.

Jinsung was sat blankly staring out the window and the seat next to him had bags on it.

Opposite us on the other side of the train, there was a four seater with Soojung, Hyungsuk and Jaehye.

Everything was going fine until some guys came over and started to bother us.

A guy came over and poured his drink on Jinsung while faking an apology.

Jinsung stood up and grabbed his collar, "Are you trying to pick a fight?"

They ignored him and another guy from the group approached us, "Let's join seats together. You're really pretty!"

"Ah, excuse me. We're on this trip together." Hyungsuk started as the man glared down at him.

"Just go and eat your food, pig. Don't you cut in while humans are talking!"

At that moment, Vasco appeared and grabbed their shoulders, "Fuck off! I saw everything that happened."

They took one look at him and froze.

"Get lost." Vasco glared at them as they scurried away in fear.

The train came to a halt as there was an announcement about them making a stop halfway through the journey.

A lot of people got off to get snacks or go to the toilet, while I stayed in my seat as Jaeyeol was still sleeping on my shoulder.


I looked over to see those guys bothering Mijin and Jaehye again.

If they come over to us again I'll beat them up.

Seriously, can't they take a hint and leave us alone. Talk about creepy.

Just as I was thinking that, the group came back over and started bugging us, trying to sit with us and asking tons of questions.

I lost it when one of the guys purposefully spilt his drink on Mijin and went to touch her thighs.

I slapped his hand away and stood up from my seat.

"Guys like you need to learn when to fuck off. If someone isn't interested then you should leave and not continue to bother them." I glared at the guys.

He glared back at me, "Shut up and know you're place, bitch!"

He stood up and moved to slap me.

I grabbed his hand and squeezed his wrist tightly, "No. You should know your place, you disrespectful bastard."

He grunted in pain as a sickening crack came from his wrist.

"Let go of me!"

"Sorry! I don't know the definition of no so I'll continue to destroy your wrist." I brought my leg up and kneed him hard in the stomach as he tried to break my hold on his wrist.

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