Chapter 17 - She Is Here?

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| Date And/Or Location |

*Action/Scene Change*

Character Name
- Their Speech
- Their Thoughts


-(POV Change)-


-(Dex's Pov)-

Almost a month passed since our imprisonment.

We took different prisoners to our secret place as time went by.

Every time a new prisoner was taken to our place, Mike and Ryan explained their so-called "revolution" plan.

The key to this plan was Human Expurgation Games that were to take place this week.

Not all of them were happy when the plan required them to work with an anthro, particularly with Ryan.

Some of them even tried to attack him when they were being taken to the place.

We somehow managed to convince them to cooperate with us.

What was bothering me was the fact that Blake had to distract FAHA's commander during the event since he got the suit.

And the rumors say that he is one tough motherfucker.

A presumably 8 feet tall anthro who single-handedly founded and developed his private military company before the war.

I was sitting on my bed in the cell, while Mike was lying on his.

During these last few days, there have been some weird "preparations" going on in the prison.

Some guards were talking not so far away from our cell, so out of boredom I decided to eavesdrop and listen to their conversation by walking over to the energy barrier.

Guard 1
- So how are things going here?

Guard 2
- Eh... Nothing much...

Guard 3
- You new here?

Guard 1
- Yeah... Kinda...

A few moments of awkward silence between the three.

Guard 1
- I heard you also keep... um... anthros here?

Guard 2
- Oh! Hahaha! Yeah, we actually do keep someone here.

Guard 3
- I was one of the two who threw her into the cell!

Guard 3
- Fuckin' bitch was helping those no-furs...

Guard 1
- She was... Uhhh... A bear, right?

Guard 2
- Yeah... Tch, thought her little bunker would help her stay hidden...

- Wait... "Helping no-furs"... "her little bunker"... Hold up, Kendra's also being kept here?!

Guard 3
- She was brought here shortly after the last 2 no-furs. She is currently down there in the anthro prison part.

Guard 3
- I must say... Now that I think about it... She had some nice curv-

A fourth voice probably a member of a higher rank yelled, cutting him.

Guard 4
- HEY! The fuck are you three doing there?! Go back to your posts!

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