Twenty Three - Dance

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"and one, and two, and one and three" my sister tells me as we dance

One, take a step towards each other, moving our intertwined hands up into the air as we get close

Two, take a step back, letting our hands go in between us, using them later to pull ourselves closer when needed

And Three, step slightly back so you can spin around

"you got it" Ni'al says to me as I spin around, her hand still slightly holding onto mine as I do so

I turn to face her and smile "I have a good teacher" I tell her as we take step closer to each other again

"well since I thought you so well, do you think that I deserve a rest"

"well we can take a break"
I tell her as we slow down, carefully walking out of the crowd, making sure to not step on anyone

She walks over to Amate and the clan leaders why I look around for my friends, they're sitting on the stones not too far away from me, eating and drinking

I make my way towards them, slowly sitting down next to Tsireya, she hands me one of the plates with food in it

"thank you" I say to her as I take the plate and slowly chop of the parts of the fish so it's easier for me to eat

Despite Lo'ak sitting next to her she still turns towards me and starts a conversation, asking me about my sister, and just talking about siblings in general, her mother Ronal already passed half of her pregnancy and to be honest, neither of us can't wait to meet the little baby boy or girl

"it's going to be a boy" Lo'ak says as he finishes his food "and we are going to call him little bro" he continues as he turns to face Neteyam "what do you think" he asks looking at his older brother 

Neteyam shrugs his shoulders "whatever you say bro" he jokes with him and starts petting him on the head, playing with his hair until Lo'ak just shakes his hand off

"well only way for me to let you guys call my brother bro is for you to go dance with us" Reya says as she stands up, pulling both Kiri and I with her, while calling for the two brothers to dance with us "you too " she says to some other Metkayina kids that were hanging around us

Lo'ak turns to Neteyam, begging for them to go, he protests but Lo'ak pushes him out of his spot and gets him up

We slowly get inside to crowd making space for all of us, Kiri, Tsireya and I lock our hands and move our bodies in the beat of music

Stepping from one leg to another as the drums are hit in the background

Kiris hand starts slipping away and I turn my head her way, so does Reya, we watch as Rotxo slowly takes her away from us, wrapping their hands around each other as they continue to dance

Tsireya and I just laugh as we continue doing our little dance, everyone is doing their thing, enjoying the songs that are played to us by the clan singers, not following any specific dance as it's not any kind of formal ceremony that it has to be followed

We spin around each other, tightening the grip around our hands as we start to go faster and faster, we start to laugh while unable to stop and within a second her hand slips from mine, not even able to see if she fell I am turned around as someone else takes my right hand

I look out for Reya in panic as she is with Lo'ak, wrapped in his arms as they dance

I let myself relax once I see that she is fine, I turn my head to the person holding my hand


"was it that scary" he says and I laugh, still processing what happened "I thought she fell" I say as I look up meeting his yellow eyes "so it was scary for a second" I tell him as he pushes me with his hand, just far enough for me to spin 

I slowly pull myself closer to him once I'm finished and he starts "well I'm sorry about that" 

"it's alright" I tell him, he moves our hands up in the air as we come too close to each other, his right hand holding mine

We walk in circle, and once we reach each others spots he spins me once again pulling me right over to him once I finish

He holds our hands in the air once again and without thinking I let my hand fall over to the back of his neck, having a slight grip over it

For a second he lowers himself enough to wrap his hand around my waist, as he straightenes himself up I feel my body being lifted

My feet slowly rising from the ground

I have been close to him while we were in the jungle, but this, this is something I have never expected

I feel my face burn, as if someone set my cheeks on fire

He slowly start to spin the two of us

I move my gaze to the dance costume around my arms, watching as the green feathers fly in the air after us

I look back at him, meeting his lovely eyes as he smiles

Nothing can really make me look away from his face, from his eyes

From him

I feel both of his hands on my waist, his touch feeling like something sacred, like something worth keeping away from others

I am not sure how bad this is going to sound, but I do want this only for myself

I only want him for myself

He tightens the grip around me as we slow down, making sure that I don't fall

My feet slowly fall onto the ground, touching the cold stone beneath me

We just stand there, neither of us daring to say a word, staring at each other like it's the first time we meet

He feels so comfortable, so good and so wonderful, it is not this place that makes me feel like I am home

It has been him

This whole time, it's been him who made this place my place, my home

But I do feel like it is not same for him, I feel like I haven't been able to do the same thing back

"can I ask you something" I finally make myselft speak

He smiles at me "always"

"does this place feel like home to you"
I ask him

He takes a second to reply "it's starting to slowly feel like it" he tells me

"I am glad to hear that"


I happily jump over to my sister, sitting down next to her as I grab whatever she was drinking

Once I let the liquid down my throat I immediately regret taking it

"you're drinking" I ask her in disbelief, the singing in my throat making my eyes water

She takes the cup from my hands and says "well yeah"

"since when"

"I am not a kid Petani, you are asking way to much" she says as she takes a sip and swallows it

"what about you and that boy" she asks as she smirks, I try to hold my smile but I can't escape it

A wide smile appearing across my face as I slap her over her stomach, turning my back to her, hoping that she can't take a look at my face

"I've hit something didn't I" she teases me as her hand creep around my stomach tickling me before I fall onto her

"yes you did" I say to her as I breathe out

"I mean you two looked so cute, and the way he spinnes you around" she starts once again and I slap her

"you crushing hard baby girl" I cringe at the nickname and just close my eyes, covering my face with my hands

Olla maj amigos and amigas
Been few days ig, im back

If i come up with fillers ima write tonight again


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