Chapter 6

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"Don't let Tuk see" I shouted trying to avoid my little sister from being traumatized at all the blood around me. When they heard my voice they all ran over to were I was. Dad had Tuk in his arms with his hand over her face so she wouldn't see.
"Thank you" I said.
"Kiri said you and Ao'nung were fighting. Did he do this to you?" Neteyam asked me with a cold hard expression on his face. I didn't respond. Mom then kneeled beside me and traced her hands over all of my wounds.
"Why would anyone do such a thing?" She spoke up as tears fell from her face.
"Go get Ronal Kiri" she demanded while placing her hand on my cheek. I then took my hand off of my wound so I I could put it on her hand. She noticed all of the blood on my hand and gasped and looked down at my leg.
"I'm going to kill him" Neteyam said while turning around.
"No you're not, you're going to take Tuk back to the hut and wait until we get back." Dad said with a shaky voice. Neteyam had fire in his eyes.
"Please Ney don't do anything, I'll take care of it later." I told him. Dad then walked over to me and kneeled down beside me placing his hand over my wound.
"It hurts" I said while starting to cry. You crying was always your fathers weakness.
"I know honey, we will get you some help" he said. I knew I had lost a lot of blood by the way I was feeling. I let out small whimpers at the pain I was in. I saw Ronal running towards us in the distance followed by Tsireya and Tonowari. When they got up to me they stopped.
"We're so sorry" she said while looking at me. I knew she knew, but how? "We need to take her back to the healers hut fast" she told dad who picked me up.
"Dad..I..can't breath" I said in a whisper as it felt like my ribs had been crushed.
"She can't breath" dad yelled and that was the last thing I had heard before I passed out yet again.
-time skip-
I had woken up the next day in an unfamiliar hut, which I assumed was the healers hut. I slowly opened my eyes and looked around to see that most of my open cuts have became slight scars. My gash on my thigh had because I stitched up line. I felt way better but was a little sore.
"You are awake!" I heard Tsireya say and she ran over to me giving me a hug.
"I'm hungry" I said as she hugged me which made her laugh.
"Come on" she said while holding out her hand. I took her hand and slowly got up. I had noticed that there was a rapping around my ribs, it felt uncomfortable.
"What is this?" I pointed at the wrapping.
"You broke one of your ribs" she said sadly.
She walked you into her family's hut where Ronal, and Tonowari sat.
"You are awake, how do you feel?" Ronal asked me.
"I feel sore" I said while looking around the hut.
"We are sorry for what our son did you, you sure did put up a fight though." Tonowari said to me.
"How-" was all I got out before Ao'nung walked into the hut. We stared at each other. I had noticed that he had a busted lip and a bruised eye with more bruises on his body. I pinned my ears against my head and looked like I was about to pounce on him. Tsireya had then grabbed my hand and held it tight which made me calm down slightly.
"Ao'nung leave" Tonowari demanded.
"No. I have a few questions for him" I spoke out and Ao'nung turned back around looking like he was about to cry.
"Why did you do it? Why did you humiliate my sister?" I questioned him. He didn't respond. He looked ashamed of himself. "And why didn't you stab me when you had the chance?" That question made Ronal and Tonowari look at me. "You basically told me I didn't belong here and then when you had the chance to get rid of me you turned it down. Why? I have a reason for why I fought you, but you don't have one for why you fought me."
A tear had ran down his face, I knew he felt guilty and I made sure it hurt worse.
"For the sake of my family I'm trying my best to keep us out of trouble. But I can't if I'm being targeted for no reason. So give me a reason, a real one. If you can't, don't come near my family. Do you understand?" He nodded. "Okay now you may leave." A single tear began running down my face.
"I'm sorry" I told Ronal and Tonowari.
"Don't be. You are only protecting your family. I respect that. And besides, he needed to be told that by someone." Tonowari told me. I nodded. I then walked out with Tsireya and we went out down beside the shore. She gave me a fruit and I ate it.
"What are we doing today for training." I asked her.
"We will teach you and you're siblings how to breath for longer and how to sign with your hands. I chose something simple so you don't have to hurt yourself in anyway." She responded.
"Thank you" I smiled at her and she returned one.
"I think I'm gonna go to my family's hut until then so I can hang out with them. You are welcomed to come." I told her.
"Thank you for the offer but I have a few things I need to do." She said.
"I'll see you later then." I shouted while walking away.
    When I reached my family's hut I walked in and everyone went silent. They all dropped what they were doing and ran up to me and hugged me, trying to avoid squeezing to hard. We stayed together until it was time for us to go train again.
    "We need to go before we miss our training" Neteyam said.
    "Alright just don't get into anymore fights and Neteyam please watch over your sister." Dad told Neteyam. Before I walked out of the hut dad stopped me.
    "What did the other guys look like?" Dad asked me.
    "A lot worse." I responded back. He gave me a smile and told me to go on
    When we arrived at the rock we were to be trained at Tsireya, Rotxo, and Ao'nung were already there. I didn't look at Ao'nung once. Rotxo held out his hand so he could help pull me up onto the rock. I took it and he helped me up. I sat down in between Neteyam and Rotxo.
    Tsireya started teaching us on how to breath for longer under the water. She then placed her hand on Lo'ak's chest so she could feel his heartbeat.
    "Slow down your breathing" she told him which made me Neteyam, and Rotxo all look at each other and laughed. Lo'ak started blushing. Rotxo then practiced on me and he put his hand on my chest but in the wrong place.
    "No you put your hand here" Ao'nung said before reaching over and putting his hand in the right area. It took be by surprise so my heartbeat picked up. Ao'nung looked at me and was about to say something but didn't.
    When the training was over I had broken away from the group and was walking around the village. I had came across a cave and walked inside. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen, it had a glowing pond in it and a few rock structures. It also had a glowing ceiling that looked like the night sky. I walked over to one of the rock structures and sat on it with my legs dangling off. I had been sitting there for a while when I heard someone enter the cave. I quickly backed up and hid behind I rock that stood up. I watched as Ao'nung came in and sat by the pond. He started crying and I couldn't help but feel bad for him. You decide to walk over to him which was probably a dumb idea but you did anyway.
    "Why are you crying?" I spoke from behind him. He quickly turned around and stared at me.
    "I'm sorry for what I did to you. You didn't deserve to be treated like that. And my reason for why I did it is because Im just not used to new people coming into my clan especially people who have others looking for them, that puts us in danger. So I thought maybe if I just bullied you and your family, you would leave, and my clan won't be harmed." He said. I walked over and sat beside him.
    "I know that it's hard accepting new people into your clan but if the people come here we will leave. And thank you for telling me." I said while reaching for his hand and putting mine on top of his.
"But promise me that you won't harm any of my siblings or make fun of them." I asked him.
   "I promise"

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