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"we are rarely proud when we are alone"


The next day was our first day of classes. Unfortunately, I hadn't registered that factor last night, when I'd stayed up until early in the morning. I sat up and rubbed my weary eyelids. With only five hours of sleep, I needed to get through the day. 

After yawning, and forcing myself out of bed, I noticed Pansy and Daphne still asleep. First, I pinched Pansy Parkinson's ear, until she swatted my hand away. I then did the same to Daphne Greengrass, who reacted much differently.

"What the fuck?" Daphne cussed loudly.

"Good morning," I gave her a cheeky smile. Pansy started to laugh at Daphne's reaction, causing a small smile from Daphne.

I wore my green robes. Now I sat in front of my vanity. I took a look at my mess of hair. I struggled at it for about five minutes, before it eventually calmed down. My hair was straight, which I'd inherited from my mother and father. I had multiple different sizes of baby hairs framing my face, and it was also very thick. I decided to put it up in a sleek ponytail.

Once I finished, Daphne, Pansy, and I walked out to the Slytherin common room, where Theodore Nott met us and walked hand in hand with Daphne, intertwining all their fingers.

They really were the perfect couple. All morning I noticed all the lovey-dovey stuff they'd do together. Except, Theodore constantly stared at me. The frequent eye contact we made was weird. The worst part was that Daphne was obsessed with him. I understand they're dating, but come on. While he held Daphne's hand, his eyes were on me, or my body. It was nice to have his attention.

The day went on smoothly. After many classes, I realized these teachers meant shit. And I had a lot of homework to finish.

I arrived in the library once classes were over, desperately trying to complete whatever assignments I had to complete by the following day. Once I was on my Potions assignment, I concluded to be helpless. I just sat aimlessly at the table, staring at the words and questions.

"Do you need any help?" a deep and attractive voice asked me.

"Yes please," I looked up to see Theodore Nott staring down at me, an amusing expression on his face. "Oh, maybe not--" 

"Why? You look lost," he gave me a crooked smile.

"I don't think Daphne will be, uhm," he cut me off.

"If Daphne is upset that I'm helping a friend in need, then those are her own insecurities," he assured me.

"Fine," I sigh.

He pulled up a chair beside me and analyzed my paper,

"Hmm, what're you working on?' he mumbled quietly and stuck his head near my neck, seemingly to look at whatever was on my paper. This interaction didn't seem so friendly anymore.

"Potions," I muttered, trying to subtly ease away from him. It's not that he wasn't attractive, but Daphne was one of my only friends, so I wanted to stay loyal and not choose a boy over a good friend.

"Pfft," he scoffed, "This shit is easy, here," he tutored me. Albeit, it was hard to think when I could feel his warm breath against my skin.

After what seemed like hours of working, explaining, and confusion, my homework was finished. I let out a satisfied sigh.

"Thanks, I owe you." he helped me to such an extent, and I had to find some way to repay him. 

"No problem," he gave me a warm smile and scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

We sat next to each other in awkward silence until we both spoke up.

"I should really-" — "Daphne's probably-" we chuckled awkwardly, and got up at the same time. Causing our bodies to get forced close together. He took this as an opportunity to stare at me, once again, which I reciprocated the action. We'd made eye contact for about 10 seconds before his eyes traveled dangerously down to my lips. He shut his eyes, and mumbled something along the lines of "it's not right," or "fucking shit." Then he left, and I was left flustered.

The feeling inside me when my body made contact with Nott's, confused me. It was as if a fire had ignited inside of my body, but instead of the feeling of agony and pain, I felt more of a pleasant sensation. 

It was a few hours later when I walked into my dormitory to find it a mess.

"Woah, what is going on?" I asked as I attempted to step over the piles of clothes and makeup scattered on the floor.

"Tonight is the first party of the school year. The Slytherins throw it every year as the school year starts. All of the houses gather in the Slytherin common room, because it's the largest, and just have fun." Pansy explained to me.

"That sounds fun. So you guys are getting ready?" I inquired even though it was clear that they were.

"Yes, and you should too. The party starts in an hour," Daphne informed me. "It's casual, but that just means look effortlessly sexy."

That took me by surprise, "Erm, alright."

Daphne was wearing a black mini-skirt and a cute sweater vest, while Pansy was in her school robes. I looked through my drawers for something comfy and casual. I was exhausted from school and didn't plan on staying out and partying.

Soon, I found some black leggings and a knit sweater to wear. By now, Pansy was also ready. She wore a cute mini dress that exposed her upper thighs and was low cut. I began to feel underdressed, but the two of them planned on partying, while I would slip out mid-party. So I didn't think much of it. 

Pansy pouted towards me, "This," she grabbed my sweater, "is not sexy, this is cute and comfy."

"Yes, and I have no one to impress," I smiled as she placed her hands on my shoulders.

"This is not short or revealing," she motioned up and down, "besides your little v-neck here," she pulled down the neckline of my sweater.

"Okay, okay," I took a step back, laughing.

"Ugh, Annie you're so fucking hot, you just need to show yourself more. Put yourself out there," Pansy told me.

"Guys, we're already pretty late for the part so we should probably get going," Daphne reminds us, and we head out to the hecticness of the Slytherin common room.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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