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"We are all born free and grow up becoming slaves of our own lies"


Myra and I walked together to the Great Hall. I was called aside to walk in with the first years, so I could be sorted. If I wasn't sorted into Slytherin, I truly don't believe that my parents would allow me back inside the manor. I took a deep breath, and stood behind a small, blonde first year.

It was somewhat awkward to see all of these miniature children, and then my sixteen year old self. I'm much taller than all of these eleven year olds, and it's quite noticeable. 

"Alright, you will all now be sorted into your Hogwarts houses. Your name will be called and you will head on out. Sit on the chair and let the hat be placed on your head after you are sorted take a seat at your designated table." a woman with gray hair and a stern expression on her face, instructed us all.

The excitement that one filled my stomach was now overruled by anxious butterflies. Anxiety creeping up my back, tugging at my hair, playing tennis with my brain. I tried to shake away the thought, even though I knew that wouldn't do a thing. I pinched the tip of my nose, attempting to release some of the tension in the headache I didn't know I possessed.

Names started to get called out.

"Troop, Olivia"

"Sańchez, Marcus"

"Jacksonn, Faith"

"Logans, Jack"

"Malfoy, Alice" I shuddered at my name. I took a small step forward as the students around me erupted into whispers, cat-calls and murmurs. 

The room became hotter, my shoulders held as high as I could. My head held high and my eyes targeted forward. I felt all of their eyes on me, watching my every move. I wanted the floor to open up and swallow me in. I took a seat on the small chair and let the hat be placed on my head.

I heard stories about how fast it sorted my brother, Draco, so I expected it to barely touch the top of my head before yelling out Slytherin. Though when the hats weight was fully on my head I started to panic. What if I wasn't sorted into Slytherin? 

The hat started muttering something I couldn't understand or didn't have a clear enough mind to comprehend. I wanted to pace or die or cry or disappear. Finally the hat yelled out "Slytherin" and I let out a breath I didn't know I'd been holding in.

I walked to the Slytherin table and took a seat next to Myra. Myra sat with the other Slytherin's I had met from the train and a few other girls. I realized Myra was pretty popular at Hogwarts.

The rest of the names were announced, and I sat there watching the first years get sorted into their new houses. I cheered when the rest of Slytherin did and booed when they did as well.

Then the food came out, and boy was it breathtaking. There was roast beef, roast chicken, pork chops, lamb chops, sausages, bacon, steak, joints and kidney pie, boiled potatoes, roast potatoes, mashed potato, chips, Yorkshire pudding, peas, carrots, gravy, ketchup, and even peppermint humbugs. The smell was wondrous and I hadn't realized how hungry I was until now.

I took some bacon, mashed potato, and pie. While I ate people started to ask me more questions about myself.

"Where did you go to school before you came here?" Riddle asked me.


"What about friends?" Myra pondered.

"Haven't really had any," I shrugged.

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