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"I'm trying to fucking scream but the words won't come out" 


I opened up my much too familiar journal. The pages were ripped, wrinkled, and tattered, due to my constant use of it. It was full of everything. It was my diary, it entailed my drawings, and there were things I wanted to say, but never did. Everything.

My family doesn't appreciate this journal, but again, my family doesn't exactly appreciate me. Besides my brother. Draco Malfoy was my best friend. He's the only one in my family who's never been embarrassed of me. 

You might ponder, why would my parents be embarrassed of me? Well, my hair is brown, my mother's hair is black and white, my father's is platinum blonde and my brother's is platinum blonde. Mine is a mouse brown. Where the fuck did brunette come from? It's still unknown, even if you date back years of my ancestors, not a single one equipped brown hair. Now, my family thinks of me as disgusting because of it. Just my bloody hair color.

I've been homeschooled since I was eleven. I've learned everything my parents could teach until it was too much. By the time I turned sixteen, they were done teaching me. They were death eaters now, and couldn't spend their precious time away from the Dark Lord. So, they sent me to Hogwarts with my brother. In my sixth year.

Fortunately, with their teachings, I hadn't picked up on their admiration for the Dark Lord. He has my respect, but I envision him as a bloody dick.

LOCATION Kings Cross

It was arduous to keep up with Kings Cross. I stood behind my family, as instructed by my father. Muggles scurried around us, pushing, tugging, nudging, and barging past us. As if we were merely obstacles standing in their way. I glanced up at the platforms, I began to become skeptical when I noticed that the platforms didn't have any halves nor quarters. So when we stopped in between nine and ten, I was appalled to watch Draco barge into the column separating the two platforms. My mother nudged me towards it, and I almost stumbled over my trunk.

"What do I do?" I whispered aggressively.  Why am I whispering?

"Just walk through!" my mother instructed fiercely. She quickly glanced to make sure no one was watching, muggles or wizards alike and shoved me through the column. Albeit my mother would act as if she hated me, in public, she was the more sensitive of the two. I mean, after all, I am her only daughter.

I stumbled through, and almost tumbling over. I brushed the dust off of my skirt, whilst Draco exchanged an emotional goodbye with our parents. I gave them a small wave and headed toward Draco and his girlfriend, Astoria Greengrass. Then, the three of us walked into the Hogwarts Express together, searching for an empty compartment.

Eventually, we found one near the back of the train. Draco and Astoria sat beside each other (constantly touching and being all lovey-dovey together). I, on the other hand, took a seat across from them. I stared aimlessly at the moving window, and we were soon joined by Crabbe and Goyle, also known as my brother's disgustingly loyal goons.

Unfortunately, the train hadn't even left the station. and I was endlessly bored. I knew Draco had more friends. They'd come to my house before, so I waited, bored out of my bloody mind, for his other friends to come.

I knew all of Draco's friends or all of the friends who would visit him over break. Though they all didn't know I existed, I knew who they were, that counts right? I knew Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini, Crabbe and Goyle, Astoria, Ezekiel Lestrange, Jeremiah Riddle, and some others whom I was never introduced to, and probably don't know I exist.

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