Chapter Nine - The Thornfury

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With a great gasp of breath, his mind returned to his body. 

Still slumped in his chair, he waited, gathering his strength. When his eyes grew focused once more he struggled upright. It had taken more from him than he wished, but it was done now. 

He sat and awaited the outcome of his machinations. 

The shade of the woodland trees was a welcome relief from the hot sun of the garden. A gentle pleasant breeze blew through the treetop canopy, stirring the leaves. 

Danielle had been up early. It was Saturday, the last weekend before the summer holidays began. Just one more week of school, then a whole six weeks off. 

After breakfast, she had gone into the garden with George and Jessica. Their parents had nothing planned, so the day was theirs to do with as they wished. 

'Well, what shall we do?' Jessica asked. 'I vote for a picnic. We can make some sandwiches and there are plenty of crisps and cakes in the cupboards.' 

'Okay. But first, let's visit the Elven City and see if they have any news,' Danielle suggested. 'It's been nearly a week since we last saw Ceridwen, and she promised to let us know if any decisions had been made.' 

'Sounds like a plan,' George agreed. 

Jessica looked a little disappointed but grudgingly agreed when Danielle promised that they would not be too long. Afterwards, they would have their picnic. 

Danielle let Mum, and Dad know they were going for a walk and they left through the hidden doorway. 

Following the pathway through the high ferns and nettles, they set off into the trees. All around birds called and small insects droned this way and that. Butterflies and bees collecting pollen flitted and buzzed about the foxgloves and purple flowered buddleia. Jessica and George stopped to study a line of wood ants marching across the path.

Danielle paused waiting for them to catch up. 'Can you remember which way we wen?'

'That way I think,' George said, pointing off between the trees. 

'If we can find our way to that little clearing,' Danielle said, thinking back to the first time they had encountered the Elves. 'I should be able to get our bearings from there.' 

They carried on, following a vague trail through the leaf litter. Coming to the edge of a small incline; they had expected to see the grassy clearing just ahead. Instead, the trees still stretched off in front of them. The woodland appeared more impenetrable, massive trunks bunched closer together their thick branches cutting out the sunlight. Beneath them dense layers of vegetation grew, blocking off their route.

'I don't remember it being like this,' Danielle whispered. 

'I think someone chose the wrong way,' chuckled Jessica. 

George shrugged. 'Certainly looks like it, doesn't it? Let's go back and start again, I don't like it around here.' 

Around them, the woodland had grown unusually quiet. Even the gentle breeze had ceased its rustling of the leaves. The air grew heavy and oppressive. A thin mist sprang out of nowhere, swirling about their legs. Danielle glanced around nervously; thinking back to when the Forest Trolls had attacked them. 

They started retracing their steps as best they could. Every so often Danielle stopped to listen. A trickle of fear sent a shiver down her spine.

'Come on, something's not right,' she said grabbing Jessica's hand to hurry her along. 

Behind them came the sound of cracking and rending and the ground began to tremble. 

Legends from The Warlock's Chair - Book One - RavengaardTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon