1. Who am I

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I woke up.

When you don't remember who you are, and you don't know how to write something, or you are just too lazy to start with a poetic paragraph, you could just say, 'I woke up'.

Or more detailly. I woke up when sunlight first struck me on my face and forcing me to wake up. I opened my eyes, not sure who I was, where I was, and where I was supposed to go. I was just lying on the floor of a ruined warehouse, it is a warehouse, isn't it? I am not so sure. But I am one hundred percent sure that I was not supposed to be there, because of wolves.

You heard it right, wolves inside a warehouse look-alike, and the oddest thing was, I could somehow understand them.

A she-wolf stood in front of me, eyeing me carefully.

'So, you awake.' I strangely understood what the she-wolf said. 'I am Lupa, protector of Rome. And I am here to guide you to camp.'

'Camp?' I was confused, 'What camp?'

'Camp Jupiter,' Lupa said, 'a place where demigods train to kill monsters.'

'So, I am a demigod? Who am I the demigod of?' I asked.

'No, you are not a demigod.' Lupa sniffed, 'You smelled more like an immortal, with that powerful aura. But you cannot be a huntress, I knew every hunter of Diana?'

Diana? That name rang a bell, but I cannot get where I knew the name, in fact, I don't even know who I am.

'Who am I?' I asked Lupa.

'I can guide you to the camp, where you might meet your kind.' Lupa answered, 'but that requires a lot of training from me.'

And so the next few days I stayed with the pack, we went south as Lupa trained me with weapons. My skills at swords were terrible, but I was great at throwing daggers and shooting arrows.

'Interesting.' Lupa said, 'You might be a daughter of Apollo, but you don't share his character.'

Apollo. That's another name I thought I should know, but I can't remember where the name came from. I learned about Greek and Roman with Lupa, every name seemed to hit me with some familiarity, like Artemis, Zeus, Leto and Zoe.

Zoe. I thought. She's a very important person to me, I think she's one of my best friends. I regarded her as a friend, I think. Where is she? Can she answer my questions? Can she heal my amnesia? Can she tell me who I was?

I looked up at the sky, seeing stars forming a constellation of a girl running with a bow and arrow, forming an image of a huntress. I prayed to the huntress to show me who I was, who my friends were.

The wolves howled. I shivered a little bit, even though it was a warm summer night. What was my name? I asked Lupa the question that morning, but Lupa said she didn't know either, I guess I'll just go with some alias before I figure out who I was.

I gazed at the stars. A name came to me, a name about the stars, a name about the night.

'Stella.' I whispered, 'I am going to call myself Stella.'

I drifted into sleep.

A dream came to me that night. I was running through the forest, hearing the crying of a girl. I looked everywhere to find the girl, and finally, I saw her sitting by a tree, burying her face in her hands and cry.

'Are you okay?' I asked her.

The girl looked up and saw me, her eyes were calm yet with desperate and heartbreak. She shook her head, and said, 'I was abandoned by the one I thought was my friend, and then my family castrated me, I have nowhere to go now.'

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