•~chapter forty-eight: prep for white day~•

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Tanjiro was sitting at his desk, reliving the terrifying moments from Friendship Day. The memories just kept coming along like a loop in his mind.

As his eyes fell onto the calendar, he began to choke in realization.

It's already March... I have to prepare my return gift for White Day... Tanjiro thought, rubbing his throat. I didn't expect Kanao to come so suddenly that night. She couldn't give me the chocolate during the day so she made an effort just to come all the way to my house...

She gave everyone else chocolate pretty easily... he thought. So why was it difficult to give me chocolate?

Tanjiro thought about it for a while. And after a few minutes, he came to the conclusion that... he did not know.

I guess she doesn't hate me, since she came over to my house. he figured. She must've been quite nervous... and she even gave me the best chocolate that she had made... she also called me by name...

Nononono! Tanjiro thought, in a fierce battle with his mind. She specifically said it was a friend chocolate! Don't get ahead of yourself, stupid.

Tanjiro's red eyes wandered over to the bag that Kanao had given his chocolate in. As he turned over the delicate plastic over and over in his hands, happy thoughts began to fill his brain...

...until he slammed his head down onto his desk in shame, denting the wood in the process.

"No! You're wrong!" he shouted into the desk.

Nezuko heard the slam of her brother's head on his desk, and she came running in from her room to check on him.

"Who's wrong?" she asked curiously, eyeing her brother's desk in concern as he lifted his head.

Tanjiro didn't respond, and instead he sat back in his chair, contemplating life. To Nezuko, it looked pretty painful.

Anyways... what can I give Kanao in return for that chocolate... he thought, barely acknowledging his sister's presence in his room. I hear that, usually, people give candy or marshmallows...

Oh, but each type of gift has a different meaning, doesn't it? Tanjiro wondered, recalling a magazine that he had seen on his kitchen counter once. Candy means 'I like you', but a marshmallow means 'I hate you'... and cookies mean just friends...

Tanjiro slumped over again. Now, he had even more things to worry about.

After finally realizing that Nezuko was in his room, scrolling through her phone, he wondered if she could give him any valuable advice.

Tanjiro began staring at his sister. Nezuko did not fail to notice this, and when he didn't stop, she said, "Nii-chan, you're creeping me out!"

"Oh, sorry!" he said, standing up and bowing. "I was just wondering what I should give as a return gift for White Day!!"

"To who?" Nezuko asked in disbelief. "To that creepy girl you haven't spoken to in years? Nishiyama Kiyoko?"

"Yes, that's right! Her!" Tanjiro exclaimed, overjoyed to finally have some sort of cover story.

"Well, if it's someone who you see as a friend, a cookie would probably do..." Nezuko mused. "Or any food for that matter, I guess. You haven't talked to her, or ever interacted with her, since like what... grade school?"

Tanjiro began waved his hands uncontrollably. "Well, that may be true, but she's a girl, so was thinking I could give something a little bit more proper...!!"

Nezuko froze. A foreboding aura surrounded her as she fearfully asked, "Wait... do you like her?"

"No, I don't!" Tanjiro protested, turning away from her.

Onii-chan's reaction... Nezuko thought, staring at her brother (who was sweating fretfully). And the way he spoke to someone at the door on the night of Friendship Day... the way he spoke was slightly formal, yet admiring at the same time, with a little hint of fear. And there was a shadow by the front door... 156 centimeters tall, long hair tied with a butterfly clip, quick and fast paced footsteps...

And suddenly, Nezuko came to her conclusion.

Onii-chan... Nezuko thought, looking at her brother with an evil smile. You actually got some chocolate from Kanao, didn't you~?

"Very well then." Nezuko smiled, holding back a devious little snicker. "I'll be serious with you this time."

Her scent is quite mischievous... Tanjiro thought nervously. What is Nezuko planning?

"So tell me." Nezuko said. "Was it a friend choco or a love choco?"

"She... she said it was a friend choco. I think." Tanjiro said.

"You think?" Nezuko pushed.

"That's what she said." Tanjiro confirmed.

"Maybe she was just trying to hide her embarrassment." Nezuko said matter-of-factly, despite panicked protesting from her brother again.

"If it's just a friend chocolate than anything's okay." Nezuko said. "But if the gift was indeed a love chocolate, you want to return something that leaves a lasting impression... are you actually taking notes?"

Tanjiro nodded, holding up his notepad. "Carry on."

Oh, nii-chan, you nerd. Nezuko thought, smiling.

"Next question. Do you like her?" Nezuko stated, rather bluntly.

"No, you're wrong!" Tanjiro exclaimed.

"Come on, nii-chan! Do you like her or hate her?"

"Well, I guess I'm on more of the 'like' side, but what's your point?!"

"Aghh! That's not what I'm asking!"

"Then what do you mean?!"

Nezuko sighed. "Okay then, let's calm down a little bit. Think about this person, for real, in your mind. And tell me. Do. You. Like. Her?!"

Tanjiro was still sweating, but nevertheless, he closed his eyes and began to think about her...

The soft glow in her purple eyes.

The way she smiles quietly, trying to hide her social anxiety.

The way she tucked her hair back and blushed when she was embarrassed...

"Well..." Tanjiro murmured reluctantly, going red in the cheeks. "I... I suppose I do have... feelings..."

Nii-chan looks so angry. Nezuko thought, as she bit back a giggle.

"I see." Nezuko said to her shocked brother, as she went dashing out of the room and coming back with two coats in hand. "Let's go to the department store! I've already done social media research on high quality sweets."

Tanjiro's mouth had fallen open in disbelief. He started getting excited, and a tear even came to his eye.


"But you know, nii-chan. If it's for the one you like, anything would be fine... don't you think~?"

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