One of the guards of the prison floor she resided in escorted Severus to the door. "You have a visitor, 10 minutes!" The large muscled man glared through the door he slowly opened.

Severus moved past the guard without so much as a glance, unaffected by the darkness and intimidation.

Narcissa scowled at Severus, continuing to look out the window. "Why have you come?" She asked in a sharp tone.

"We need to have a discussion." Severus came closer to her, grasping his wand inside his cloak. "It's of most importance."

"I have nothing to say to you Severus, leave me." Narcissa snapped, refusing to meet his gaze.

"Are you aware of what Lucius did to your son before his demise?" Severus asked.

Narcissa whipped her head around. "What are you talking about?" She stood to her feet. "What's happened???"

Severus raised a brow. "Don't play me as a fool Narcissa, you had to have known that Lucius tortured Draco with the Cruciatus Curse."

Narcissa squeezed her fists at her sides. "Not possible, Lucius was many things but he'd never use an unforgivable curse on his own son." She shook her head.

Severus grabbed Narcissa by the wrist, pulling her close to his curled lip. "All the abuse you allowed, all the beatings you stood idly really think I'd believe you were unaware?"

Narcissa ripped her hand out of Severus's unforgiving grip. "I don't have any excuse for those instances, but if I thought for even a split second that Lucius would torture Draco....I would have NEVER allowed it."

"Well he did, and for a solid 15 minutes." Severus sternly spoke.

Narcissa stood frozen in front of Severus, horror washing over her face. "Are you sure that's what the spell was? Even more than 5 minutes under the Cruciatus Curse can cause irreparable did he survive 15?!"

"He was in a coma for several days, the Healers at St. Mungo's thought he wouldn't survive." Severus sat on the opposite wall bench. "But he survived non the less."

"How Severus???? Don't you remember what happened to Longbottom's parents all those years ago???" Narcissa tried to walk closer to Severus, her chains stopping her halfway.

"That's part of why I'm here you see...there's been some sort of side effect from being under the curse for such a long time." Severus began.

"Tell me!" Narcissa demanded. "What happened?!" 

"Every day to ever other day Draco has been suffering what seems to be small residual episodes of the Cruciatus Curse." Severus explained, his emotions hidden. "I fear that if there is no way to stop it...he will eventually die from severe internal damage."

Narcissa truly had no idea this had happened to Draco. "Does the Ministry know?" She questioned, hopeful they knew what to do.

Severus felt a chill from the cold air, crossing his arms under his black cloak. "I've spoken with multiple departments and figure heads at the Ministry, nobody...not even the Minister himself knows how to stop it."

Narcissa slowly backed up, sitting on the bench with a clang of her shackles. "So if this goes on for too long he....he'll die?"

Severus looked down at the stone floor, kicking away some scattered pebbles. "Let's not worry about that just yet, for now it's manageable with potions and spells to keep the curse from damaging him....but yes if we don't find a solution Draco will die." He swallowed his sorrow at the words he spoke, glaring at her.

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