Chapter 1: The Woods?

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       The clacking of keyboard keys flooded my mind, my eyes were blurry, and staring blankly at the old office computer labeled as mine. If I had the choice, I would have chosen something that doesn't take 5 minutes to open a browser. As much as I tell my body to move, it can't and it won't. I feel a hand on my shoulder, shocking me back into reality as I slightly gasp and turn my head. My boss's concerned face is all I see and I once again sigh, more in relief than in annoyance. Toby wasn't a bad boss, but with him being as young as me it became harder to not find him annoying. I took note of the concern in his eyes as I turned my chair to fully face him. "Hey Toby, how have you been?" I question, only partially interested. He laughs at the nonexistent joke and scratches at the stubble growing on his face. "The regional manager has been down my throat about production, but besides that, I've been surviving." He explains, looking over some folders he was holding and handing me one. "This is your new assignment for when you get done." I look over my shoulder at the blank document and sigh. "Y'know, production rates would probably go up if they bought us up-to-date technology," I complain. "It's like working with a dinosaur." Toby just chuckles and shakes his head. "I hear you, but sadly they don't care about things like that." He comments and starts walking away. "Keep up the great work!" I just roll my eyes and start typing.

After writing three or four pages, my fingers start to cramp. I stretch in my chair and peak over my cubicle, Wynter sitting across from me. Wynter was my roomie and my best friend from middle school. We failed together and succeeded together, never one without the other. "Hey dipshit, wanna go on break?" I ask, leaning over our cubicles to get his attention. He looks up at me through messy hair and grins, leaning on his desk. " I bet we could get Toby to let us leave early instead." He plans which causes me to grin back at him. "If you can do that, I'll pay for your lunch," I say, trying to egg him on. Even though most jobs wouldn't be able to handle scheming best friends like us, Toby always saw how much we challenged each other and spun it around in his favor. As Wynter gets up to ask Toby, I lean back, hoping to find something to eat close by. As I scroll through all the options I get a text from my mother. 'Are you still coming to visit today? It's been a while since we have seen you and Wynter. Are you dating yet??' I throw up a little in my mouth at her wording. Wynther is not my boyfriend and I'm positive he feels the same about me. I mean, he might have been my first kiss, but it stopped there. Before I had a chance to reply to my mom's patronizing text, I feel someone pulling my seat away from my cubicle. "Come on King, you owe me lunch," Wynter says, causing me to groan. "I always wondered how you were so persuasive," I comment and stand from my chair, grabbing all my belongings. "Why would I tell you? It would stop working if I did." He complains, grabbing his things before leading me out of the building.

We head over to the car and I suddenly remember my mother's text. "Hey, wanna head over to my old house? My parents are bugging me to see you." I asked, climbing into the driver's seat. Wynter gasps and smiles brightly. "Would I ever reject seeing Mom and Dad?" He asks and I chuckle. Wynter has been calling my parents his for as long as I can remember. It was always funny seeing the confused looks of strangers that would overhead the little white boy call the dark-skinned couple his parents. I start the car and head on to the familiar road that my parents lived on. "It's been a minute since we have been over there." Wynter comments and I nod. "Yea, my mom has been paranoid recently so she wanted to see us before the week was over," I explain and I can see Wynter look at me from the corner of my eye. " Paranoid? About what??" He asks and I shrug. "Beats me." The short conversation stops as we pull into the driveway of my parent's home. It's a quiet little cottage, something my mom refuses to part with. Vines wrap around the wooden fencing that grew grey with age. Flowers of various colors bloom in the yard, dancing in the slight wind. Wynter and I step out of the car, making our way to the front door while trying not to trample any flowers.

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