'And you will again, when it's useful' suddenly, Natasha falls to the ground as an electric shot jolts through her body. Making the system unuseful for Pierce.

Pierce quickly tries to reactivate the system but he fails and turns around to see Amelia standing right in front of him, a gun in her hand, which she had quickly grabbed of the ground.

Amelia shoots the man 4 times, making him fall through the glass on the ground while Fury makes his way to Natasha.

'Natasha, come on!' He exclaims as Amelia also quickly runs to her best friend. 'Nat!' She yells, watching in horror as the redhead doesn't move a muscle.

Suddenly, Natasha opens her eyes and looks around confused. 'Ow.' She says softly. 'Those really do sting.'

The three of them quickly stand up and make their way out of the building.


'Please tell me you got that chopper in the air!' Sam yells. 'Sam? Where are you?' Natasha quickly asks.

'41st floor! Northwest corner!' He yells, dodging all the ruïnes nearly crushing his body. 'We're on it! Stay where you are!' Amelia exclaims through her earpiece.

'Not an option!' The Falcon screams back. Dividing to just wing it, he jumps out of the building.

Sam lands on the helicopter and Amelia and Natasha pull him in. '41st floor! 41 floor!' Sam yells. 'It's not like they put the numbers on the outside of the building.' Fury snaps back.

'Hill? Where Steve? We got a location?' Amelia quickly asks, looking around the hellicarrier that's currently driven into a building.

Meanwhile Steve is helping Bucky out from under a metal pole, knowing it will probably be the death of him.

'I'm not gonna fight you.' He finally sighs after helping up Bucky. 'You're my friend.' He says sincerely, dropping his shield to the ground and looking up to the man he once called his best friend.

Are you still best friends if one of them doesn't remember the other and tries to kill him?

Bucky sends a punch to Steve's face, which he could've dodged and then send one back. But he doesn't.

The soldier charges at Steve, taking both of them down before Barnes starts continuously punching Steve's face, both of their stamina's remarkable.

'And you're my mission.' Bucky growls back before charging at him, punching him again and again which leaves bruises all over Steve's face, who still does not fight back.

'You're my mission!' He screams again, ready to go in for another punch. But he freezes when he finally takes notice of Steve still not moving a muscle, not willing to fight his best friend even if it'll be the last thing he does.

'The finish it.' Steve says softly. Bucky looks at him in horror. 'Cause, I'm with you until the end of the line.' He groans out, making Bucky's stomach drop.

Who is he? He knows him.

But before Bucky can do anything else a pole falls on the platform Steve's laying on, making him fall through it.

Bucky watches as Steve's unconscious body hits the water, sinking in slowly to the ground and not moving a muscle.

Meanwhile, Amelia is watching, eyes wide at the scene before her. The hellicarrier going up in flames as she can faintly see someone's body falling out of it.

Steve. Amelia can feel her stomach drop as a lump forms in her throat and she feels as though her heart is beating 400 beats per minute.

'Nick, we have to look for him!' Amelia cries out. Before stopping as she sees someone pull Steve's lifeless body out of the water.

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