Ch 7: It Flew Along the Coast

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"We're going off the words of children?"

It was good she hadn't gone then.

"Did they say anything else?"

"They said that they'd love to meet my stone friend."

Zia stopped. "You told them about me?"

"Might've mentioned you a little."


"Pike tried to leave a blessing on their house. It wasn't exactly reassuring. Didn't like them looking scared. So, I told them about you hunting for the monster in the forest with your sharp swords."

"You shouldn't have done that."

"Why not? As soon as we kill this creature those people are going to be grateful to you."

"People are never grateful." Zia denied, not towards her.

"Well, maybe today's the day that all changes."

Zia pressed her lips together as they walked on. No. Vax was wrong. It never changed. It never would change. She was cursed and that's all that ever mattered to people, it's all that ever would.

No matter how many times they moved when she was growing up the ire's of the villagers never changed. So why would they now? People were all the same. Mean, cruel, horrible-too good to breathe the same air as her. It was her fault really. It had to be. She made them react that way. She made them uncomfortable, and scared, just by being there. She didn't belong. They made that clear.

Birds squawked overhead as Zia and Vax united with the rest of the group.

"Found her." Vax announced as they stepped out onto the path.

"Lovely for you two to join us. Right. Let's get a move on. Maybe we can face this fucker before these clouds open up. " Vex started walking past the aforementioned broken tree.

"Good to have you back, Z. Missed you back there." Pike gave Zia's thigh a pat before she made to follow Vex.

"I wasn't gone that long," Zia remarked a single hand placed on her hip.

"It was long enough." Percy spoke up, walking up the hill to her side.

"I guess." She turned away and quickened her pace to be far ahead of him. As well meaning as his words had been last night they couldn't be applied to every situation. Things had gone better in that village without her presence. Didn't Percy see that? He was smart. Really smart. So why was he giving her a hard time for making all their lives easier?

Her amethyst eyes landed on the broken tree. She focused on the jagged edge of the rough bark. Something seemed off about it. The way it splintered...

"It never saw it coming. Spent all its life watching over the village. Never expected it would have to watch out for itself." Keyleth came up beside her. "The poor thing."

"Keyleth, it's just a tree." Zia frowned at her.

"Yeah, well you're just a rock." Came the druids quick reply as she leaned on her staff.

The statuette felt a stab of pain pierce her heart at the Druid's words. Her eyebrows shot up as her lips pursed. Just a rock? Really?

Before Zia could dignify Keyleth's comment with a response of her own Vex was calling them over. Trinket found something.

The bear sniffed at an indentation in the trail.

"Good job, Trinkie." Zia's lips quirked up, walking over to scratch behind the bears ear. The bear deserved a reward sure, but maybe she was just trying to distract herself from Keyleth's words.

"Zia," Vex narrowed her eyes. "Don't distract him. Trinkets busy. You can give him scratches later."

She waited for Zia to pull her gloved hand away from trinkets fur before she examined the indentation he'd discovered.

"The tracks are too muddy to discern. But it looks like it took to the air and flew along the coast."

Zia looked to the cliff face. Fuck, were those scratch marks? Whatever this creature was it had some pretty sharp claws to be able to mark that stone.  She did not want to find out what it could do to her skin.

Yet, Vox Machina kept moving. Walking right towards wherever the beast may be lying in wait. They followed the scratches on the cliff face. The path was long and winding, the terrain steep, uneven and jagged.

Zia watched as Keyleth slipped just ahead of her, the half elven Druid almost losing her staff if not for a quick save from Vax.

"Zia," Percy caught her arm. She'd been so focused on Vax and Keyleth she hadn't noticed she was about to go over the steep edge and tumble down herself.

"Shit." Zia breathed leaning back blinking her eyes as she took in the drop before her. She looked back at the white haired man just behind her. "Uh, thanks Percy."

His hold on her arm fell away once he was sure she wasn't in danger of skidding down.

"Lost in thought again?" He studied her.

"Mm. No, not this time. Just focused on the wrong thing, I guess." Zia replied. She didn't stay in his hold for long. She couldn't let the gap between her and Keyleth get too big. Vex would be pissed if the rest of them weren't keeping up.

She slid down the jagged mossy stone.

Percy was right on her heels.

"Tell me something."

"Hm?" Zia hummed, head tilted.

"After we're through with killing this creature, am I going to be able to convince you to join me for a spot of wine?"

"Percy, you know how I feel about taverns..."

"Yes, well, would your answer be the same if the table were to be on the opposite side of the window?"

Zia's eyebrows furrowed. "Huh?"

"Just...think on it, Zia." Percy squeezed her shoulder.

Zia blinked watching him go ahead of her.

And this was chapter 7 peoples! I hope you enjoyed it! Next chapter we finally finish episode 1! It'll be out sometime in the next two days! (If by some chance you don't see an update remind me! Cause that means I got preoccupied with watching my puppy and have forgotten to post it 😞). Anywho, I split this chapter up in two cause I just really wanted to update again and didn't want to rush the fight scene. Also while you waiting here are some questions!

1. Thoughts on this chapter? I'd love to know what you thought of it!

2. Do you think Zia was right for peeling away from the group or do you think she should have just stayed with them?

3. Do you think Zia and Percy are gonna be good together or should I pair her with someone else?

4. How old are you? Just wondering what the age range of my audience is

5. What are some things you'd like to know about Zia?

6. If you could give Zia one piece of advice what would it be?

7. Anything else you'd like to ask, rant and or tell me!

The Legend of Vox Machina: The Curse of Zia ZirconNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ