Ch 3: What's Deserved

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Vox Machina hunkered down for the night in a secluded alleyway. The drunkest of them- Keyleth, Grog, and Vax all passed out straight away. Pike and Vex didn't have problems dozing off a few minutes after either. Nor did Scanlan or even the ever so fluffy Trinket.

The same could not be said for the soberest set of the bunch.

Zia and Percy were both wide awake. They didn't even try to shut their eyes. They knew how useless it would be with the adrenaline of the tavern fight still buzzing through their bones. Instead, they each sat upright on opposite sides of the alleyway, backs against the cold bricks, legs outstretched for comfort, and worked on cleaning their respective weapons.

Not that Percy's focus was really on his pepperbox.

It was not thoughts of Whitestone and the horrors he suffered at the hands of the briarwood's that plagued his tactful mind this night. But rather, the observation that the woman across from him appeared to be rather worried. He couldn't help but notice it. It was written all over her face. The down turn of her lips, the unfocusedness of her eyes, the telltale crinkle between her brows. It was obvious.

At least, it was to Percy.

He knew Zia. All of her little signs and tells that she tried to hide he could read like a good book. It wasn't that her expression was easily readable, per say, it was just easy for Percy himself to read it.

That said, He didn't know what was weighing on her mind exactly. Whether it was the recent events or the upcoming meeting with the king. But Percy had known Zia long enough now that he could wager a guess.

"Worried about tomorrow?" Percy's voice cut through their friends symphony of snores.

Zia startled at the question. Though she reacted to his voice she hadn't really heard what he asked.

"Sorry?" Zia's head lifted, amethyst eyes settling on the man across from her.

"Your brows are crinkled." He gestured to the spot on his own face. "That only happens when you're worried about something."

"Oh." Zia mumbled fingertips lifting to rub against the very spot. As if she could thwart the action that way.

"So, is it tomorrow..." Percy pressed, head tilted as he studied her. "...that you're worrying yourself over?"

Zia pressed her lips together. Her hand lowered, gloved fingertips gliding against the flat slide of her sword as she thought about her answer.

Percy waited patiently, he knew one would be given after some deliberation. His questioning had been sudden. Her answer didn't need to be.

"I just..."Zia was hesitant as she began. "I don't know if it's a good idea for me to go in with you guys when you meet the king."

"Zia..." Her name fell gently from his lips. His brows drew together in concern.

"I'm cursed, Percy." Zia frowned further. The words hung heavy in the air. "What if the king takes one look at me and sends us away?"

"That isn't going to happen." Percy insisted.

"You don't know that."

"I do." Percy denied. "The king would be a blinded fool to turn us away because of you."

Zia remained silent. Her eyes downcast on her sword in her lap. It was clear she disagreed.

Percy placed his pepperbox on the ground. He ignored the small puff of black smoke that angrily swirled around the weapon at the action. Percy crossed over to Zia's side of the alley.

He knelt down in front of her. Fingertips feather light under her chin to guide her gaze upwards onto him. Though the touch lingered he drew his hand back to his knee when their eyes met.

"Now, I can't speak for everyone, only for myself," Percy's voice was low. "but you would be sorely missed if you didn't come inside with us tomorrow. I..." Percy's hand curled into a fist. "Zia, whenever you're next to me, you give me this...this sense that nothing could possibly go wrong and even when it does go wrong everything is still right because you're there. Your presence it helps. You provide this steadiness, this immovable surety of safety just by being there. It's hard to describe, and it sounds rather silly saying it aloud, but it's the truth, believe it or not."

He studied her face. Her expression. She looked surprised not that Percy understood why. Didn't she know how integral she was to the group? Hell, to him? Perhaps he needed to make it more clear to her.

"You may not be proud to be a part of Vox Machina, but I'm proud that this group has you, Zia. Even cursed as you are you deserve to stand with us in that throne room whatever the outcome. That's what I think."

He reached up a hand and rested his gloved palm to her cheek. Her skin was stone, so it was certainly hard, but it wasn't rough or jagged, it was smooth like a skipping stone found at the bottom of a riverbed. There was the slightest shimmer to it as well if you looked close enough. He admired it for a moment. Admired her. She was a treasure.

"And I also think..."

Perhaps he'd had too many glasses of wine back at the tavern. Getting in close like this could prove to be an impossible mistake, but he couldn't help himself. He couldn't not kiss her. As he was speaking he got lost in her amethyst eyes and then-

Percy had closed the distance between them before he could think about any repercussions. His lips met hers in a gentle touch. The smallest of gasps escaped her, but she didn't turn her head or pull back from him.

It was a bit awkward with his glasses, and it didn't last very long on the account that he was about to lose his balance and fall onto the sword lying in her lap, but it was quite easily the best kiss Percy had ever shared with anyone, because it was with Zia.

He pulled away, retreating from her space despite his want to linger there. Not that he got very far. Zia's hand latched onto the lapel of his coat to stop him. "Percy..." It seemed like she wanted to question him but none escaped her. Zia's grip loosened after a moment. The only thing she settled on saying was that they should probably get some sleep.

Percy agreed with a nod of his head and a light clear of his throat. He could still see the surprise in her eyes, at his words and now his actions. They would talk later...when she was ready.

He promptly returned to his side of the alley and laid down. They didn't say anything more to each other that night. Neither slept for shit. All they could think about was the kiss they shared and wondered what would happen tomorrow.

Okay here's chapter 3!!!! Percy and Zia had their first kisss ahhhh!!! I really need to make a ship name for these lovely's. I love them so much together. Percy's so patient with her and Zia just ahhh-next chapter will be out before New Years! I hope you enjoy'd this one! Let me know what you thought of it in the comments!

The Legend of Vox Machina: The Curse of Zia ZirconWhere stories live. Discover now