Chapter 10: Talk Over Tea

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MK immediately wakes up, and his eyes grow bigger than noodle bowls, "SHIT!!"

Red Son woke up startled as he noticed that they were now lying on the floor, meanwhile, her new friend was bolting around the apartment. "...MK?" MK turned to Red Son as he was struggling to put on their shoes, "OH HEY RED SON! Sorry, I'm late for work, we gotta head downstairs!" The knocking repeated, MK tied his shoelaces and retied his hair, since it was messy from yesterday. "C'mon Red! I can't leave you up here so-" Red Son stretched himself before standing up, "*Yawn* Alright..."

Once they finally made it down, MK sat Red Son next to Sandy, "Hey, Sandy. Do you mind watching over Red Son while I work? I don't know when I'll be back so..." Sandy saluted MK, "No problem little man! Leave it to me!" MK smiles and turns to Red Son, "I'll be back as soon as possible, Sandy will just stay with you for now. Okay?" Red Son bumps his forehead onto MK's, causing MK to flush slightly. Red Son looks up at him with a small smile, "Okay."

MK freezes, "C-Cool... OK BYEE!!" MK dashes out the door run back in to grab the orders and run back out. Red Son's smile fades once they realize MK's gone, and he begins to feel all the anxiety and fear that left her body, coming back and creeping on his shoulder. Why was he feeling like this? She was finally free! Can't they feel joy for themselves, at least for a second? Suddenly Red Son's hair began to spark up and glow. Sandy flinched right next to him, "Don't worry there, kid. MK will be fine!"

Red Son turns towards the blue giant next to them, Sandy places his hand on her shoulder gently, "Hey, I was planning on heading back home to relax, you okay with coming with me?" Red Son nodded slightly, Sandy carried Mo with one hand and offers his free hand to Red Son, who accepts. Sandy leads as the two walk out the door, "We'll be back later, just getting fresh air." Pigsy nods, "Alright, see ya Sandy." Once Sandy opens the front door, Red Son feels slightly blinded by the lights around him.

Sandy slaps a cap on Red Son's head, "This will help with the sun's light, just don't look directly at it." Red Son stares at Sandy, and his worries begin to shrink, despite the tough appearance, this being was so soft and sweet. The build of Sandy's body brought back split-second memories of someone she knew, from those memories alone, Red Son had already felt they were safe again. "You ready to go?" Sandy called out as he was already walking away from the restaurant. "UH- Yes!" Red Son followed Sandy into the streets.

"What was that MK?" MK was trying his best to focus on the orders yet their mind was so preoccupied with his new friend. But why? Why are they filling his mind with this strange feeling, these strange thoughts? He only just met them yesterday yet they already got MK feeling weird around them. "ARGH! I can't be thinking this stuff right now! I need to focus! Don't think about Red Son... AT ALL." He kept repeating that in his head thinking it would help, but it only made it worse. He pulled over just to bang his head on the wheel.

"Oh Gods, what is wrong with me?" MK kept wondering, did he like Red Son? "What? No! I don't like them! Sure, they have very soft, dark hair, their voice is so lovely to hear and they are INSANELY powerful but this is probably just admiration! Like with Monkey King! This isn't a crush... right?" MK thought harder, did he want to hug them? Kiss them? Give them non-stop attention? Honestly... yes, yes they did. "Oh, Gods... I'm in love with a demon..."

Back by the docks...
"Welcome to my humble abode!" Red looked around the shelter surrounded by natural lighting, and multiple cats laying around the living room. "Feel free to relax on the couch. Do you want tea?" Red Son tilted his head, "What's that?" Sandy's jaw drops, "You've never had tea? Even when you were younger?" Red Son thinks for a bit and shakes his head, "Oh, wow. I'll make us both some then. Just stay there." Sandy walks into the kitchen.

Red Son flops onto the couch, he looks down to the floor and sees Mo, a blue cat that resembled Sandy shockingly well. "Oh, hello." Mo meowed and moved closer to the couch, Red Son reaches out his hand to Mo, Mo flinches a bit but slowly moves his head closer to scratch. Red Son gently pats his head, she wasn't sure how to pat a small creature like Mo, but what he did worked. Mo started purring, the sound startled Red Son a bit, they started thinking something was off or that Mo was getting hostile.

Mo noticed Red Son getting anxious and nuzzled his palm to reassure Red that it was okay. "Wow..." "He sure is soft, isn't he?" Red Son quickly sat up once they saw Sandy standing there with a tray, with two teacups on top. "*AHEM* Yes! Uh- Thank you for the... 'teh', I appreciate your... 'kidness'?" Sandy chuckles, "It's pronounced 'tea' and 'kindness'." Red Son's cheeks grew red with embarrassment, "Yeah, right..." Sandy sat next to Red Son and hands him a cup filled with Chamomile tea.

"Your speech still a bit rusty?" Red looks down at the tea in front of them, "Mhm, I have gotten used to some words but some of it is still... still..." "New to you?" "Yeah!" Red Son blows on the tea and takes a small sip. As he drank, she felt such euphoria, it had been years since they ate or drank. It felt nice to finally have this feeling return after all those years, "This is so warm. I love it!" Sandy gleamed with joy. "Really? I'm glad you do!" Sandy looked out at the window, "Hey, Red Son," "Hm?"

"Come with me, I gotta work on some mechanical gadgets." Red Son and Mo followed behind, chugging his cup like water in a desert. "That was..." "Delicious?"
"Does that mean good?" "Yep."
"Then yes!" Sandy laughed, and Red Son started laughing with him. Red Son began to feel odd as she laughed, but it wasn't a negative feeling. He felt such warmth and comfort, similar to how they felt with MK but slightly different. This time he knew the word to describe it.

They felt... happy.


The Samadhi Son | Story 1 | Spicynoodles AU | Lego Monkie KidDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora