Online Friend Pt. II - P. H x Reader

Start from the beginning

Soobin oppa took one of his headphones out then walked over towards me.

"Huh?" He asked all confused.

"Why is your dongsaeng so bad with their words and actions?" I genuinely asked.

Soobin shook his head and scoffed.

"You've been dating y/n-ah this whole time and you haven't figured out their talking style?" He said.

"No wonder y/n-ah is too scared to come over to your place now!" He chuckled out.

I didn't find it funny.

Soobin oppa might had known how their younger sibling was, but I didn't.

"Look, y/n-ei isn't great with words so you just gotta pay attention to their actions.... y/n-ah speaks very loud with their actions. It's kind of hard to miss what y/n is trying to say, once you've gotten used to their talking style," Soobin oppa said then put his headphone back in and walked away.

I sighed in frustration not understanding what the hell he was saying then just walked back inside the house.

- Y/N POV -

I caught Soobin talking to Hanni outside from my bedroom window.

She looked upset by the time she was done talking to him.

I walked out my room and headed downstairs. As I got down the stairs, I found myself face to face with Soobin.

"What did you do?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked in confusing.

"Hanni is all upset because of you. Why can't you just talk like a normal person!?" He angrily asked.

"Soobin! You know y/n-ah has trouble talking with people!" Mother yelled at him.

I sighed in frustration and walked out the house. I sat on the beach of the front patio and just started to listen to music.

- Hanni POV -

Mom had made me take out the recycling after I took out the trash and I found y/n-ah sitting out on their patio bench.

"It doesn't hurt to try," I thought to myself as I contemplated walking over to talk to y/n.

I walked over to y/n's patio and sat next to them. "What you listening to?" I asked.

Y/n-ah then turned to look at me and took out one of their headphones.

Y/n always had their headphones on... there was never a time where you found my baby without their headphones in their ears.

"Huh?" Y/n-ah asked.

I giggled at their cute reaction and asked again, "What are you listening to?"

Y/n-ah seemed to get all flustered and started blushing.

"Umm... okay, I guess I could let you listen to it....," Y/n-ah awkwardly said.

As y/n played the song out loud, I could see the shyly smile on their face. Y/n keep on signing every single lyric of the song as they looked down to the floor all shyly.

Suddenly, y/n-ah looked up at my eyes as the chorus of the song came on.

"I'm in love, I'm in love, I'm in love with the girl next door....."

My heart started to jump out of my chest as y/n-ei sang those words to me.

"Is that how you feel?" I unconsciously asked.

Y/n nodded their head all cutely.

"I have a hard time.... with words... you know... but for now this is the best I can do. I hope you understand," Y/n-ah cutely said.

I began to cooe at y/n from how cute they were being.

Soobin oppa was right. All you have to do is play attention to y/n-ah's actions.

Suddenly, I felt y/n's lips abruptly press on mine and I couldn't help but smile.

We both smiled against each other's lips then deepened the kiss.

"I love you," I whispered against y/n's lips.

"I love you too, Hanni" y/n-ah whispered back making my heart stop.









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