Chapter 2: Meeting the Avengers

Start from the beginning

"I was just gonna order pizza for everyone."

"Oh, I love pizza, I'll eat any kind, but I need a whole pie to myself. Maybe more than one." I mused, salivating at just the thought.

Tony snorted, "what, do you eat like an Asgardian?" Fifteen minutes later, when ten pizzas had arrived, he snorted to himself upon realization and commented, "you really do eat like an Asgardian. How do you fit nearly two whole pizzas in that little body of yours?"

I paused before answering semi-truthfully, "insanely high metabolism, if I don't eat at least three thousand calories a day, I start fainting. My normal range is five or six thousand." I explained around a slice of pizza.

"That's why you asked to provide snacks for you." Tony remarked, not judging. All of the Avengers were basically considered top athletes, the enhanced ones more so, he was probably used to it. I nodded, my mouth filled with pizza. "I'll make sure you don't have to worry about a low calorie intake."

Overcome with gratitude, I threw my arms around his neck and made this ungodly squealing sound, "thank you, thank you, thank you. You are literally my most favoritest person ever, Tony."

Our little moment was interrupted by someone clearing their throat. Pulling back, I saw an embarrassed look on his face before we turned to look at who had arrived. Contrary to popular opinion, Tony Stark did have human emotions, well, most of them anyway. Turning to the new arrivals, I think my brain may have went into overdrive, the whole world seemed to stand still with my shock. The frostbit doppelgänger of Captain America, the female Widowmaker, a younger Auntie Wanda, the mechanical-winged Falcon, and the non-crime-boss White Wolf. Lord Thunder hadn't been heard from in a while, busy with off world adventures, and the Beast was probably in a lab somewhere tinkering, as for Ronin—the partner of Widowmaker—I had no idea where he was. My brain got over it's shock and returned to processing things at a normal speed. I had to remind myself of the correct names and aliases of their doppelgängers in this world. But I was curious to see if Auntie Wanda recognized me, but given I was from a different universe and I didn't think a doppelgänger of me existed in this world, it was far less than unlikely.

"Oh, uh, hi!" I waved, both excited and terrified to be meeting them. The Avengers in my universe were more celebrities than heroes, only a handful still actively participated in planetary defense, which made meeting real heroes even more exciting.

Tony burst out laughing, "you did not actually just do that."

I smacked his shoulder, then indignantly said, "yes, I did, you forget who you are sometimes, but I regret nothing." To be honest, meeting a Tony Stark doppelgänger wasn't that big of a deal for me because he had been my cool uncle and now a best friend in two different worlds—the only exception would be Superior Ironman, that guy was freakin' awesome despite being evil. I had hardly interacted with any of the others in my world so I was meeting them really for the first time.

"Care to introduce your friend, Tony?" Steve pointed out.

"Yeah! Care to introduce me, Tony?" I sassed at him.

"Not particularly."

I scoffed and turned to the Captain, "ignore him, he's an idiot." I heard a couple snickers come from behind him, "We've actually met once before, black Americano if I remember correctly."

"I'm sorry, Captain America ordered the most American espresso drink in all of history. That is just too good!" Tony started cackling.

Steve ignored him, eyes fixed on me, "how did you know that?"

"Jesse Sharpe, barista, but I guess now I'm your barista, well the team's anyway. Tony hired me, I'm officially available on the clock tomorrow any time, day or night."

Steve sighed and gave Tony a look, "why did you hire a coffee girl?"

"Coffee girl!?" I growled, a little outraged at his blasphemous words, "you have insulted the coffee gods! May they curse you with a caffeine hangover or make you bald with facial hair . . . whichever comes first."

Tony raised an eyebrow in my direction while Cap just looked stunned. I don't think anyone had ever cursed him before, with caffeine hangover or otherwise. "You deserved that one Cap, having tasted what she can do, and still questioning my decision. Besides, we're the Avengers, we get called out at all hours to save the world, wouldn't it be handy to have someone on hand who can keep us caffeinated in a snap?"

I noticed the clock and smirked, knowing I could demonstrate pretty easily. Turning around so they couldn't see what I was doing, I used my super speed to make Tony his regular smoothie. I placed the glass in front of him and watched his face light up. "Your two o'clock smoothie. Strawberry, banana, mango, hint of mint."

Tony tried the first sip and groaned, "FRIDAY, if you can get that espresso machine installed before six, I will be eternally grateful."

"Right away sir."

"There is no need to rush the AI, I'll still get you your six o'clock usual, just might take an extra minute if I have to break into my old coffee shop." Probably less than that actually, but I wasn't going to tell him that. "I'll get started on that list if you're gonna have everything by tomorrow." I thought quickly, they already had most of the equipment so it was just the other ingredients. Noticing they had started a conversation that I wasn't part of, I found a camera and started signing my list to it in ASL so as not to disturb them, "F-R-I-D-A-Y, order two cartons of each of the Avenger's milk preference along with steaming pitchers, espresso beans, the basic flavorings, you know, vanilla, caramel sauce, chocolate sauce, strawberry, et cetera, and any requests from the team, I'll also need a knock box installed. That's it for now."

"The order will be here late this evening, Miss Sharpe." I sent an ASL 'thank you' up to the AI.

Tony furrowed his brow and turned to me, "what are you talking about FRIDAY? Jesse didn't even give you her list yet."

"That assumption would be incorrect, Mr. Stark. Miss Sharpe has said to order any flavors requested by the team along with her list." The AI said matter of factly.

"I feel like I missed something." Tony muttered. The other Avengers just shrugged, they had missed it too.

"Don't worry about it too much, Tony, I gotta run some quick errands but I'll be back to get you your usual." I couldn't help the smile that lifted my face at the pun in that statement. "You guys tell FRIDAY about any flavors you prefer so that she can order them for me. I'll see you later." With a wave backwards, I went back through the hall, voices becoming muffled the further I became.

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